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05.05.2022 Cycle of meetings CAFFÈ EUROPE - "Europe and the environment: the resource water"

Cycle of meetings CAFFÈ EUROPE
"Europa and the environment: the resource water"
at 16 Caffè Florian, Piazza san Marco, Venezia
Free drink subject to availability
==> Event inserited in the Europe Day Celebration in Venice 2022
Click here to see the live event on Facebook
Thursday 5th of May from 16 at Caffè Florian in Piazza San Marco, Venice it was held the meeting Caffè Europe with the title "Europa and the environment: the resource water".
The meeting "Europa and the environment: the resource water" had the intention to promote and sensibilize the value of water as an environmental resource to preserve and protect it as a right for all the european citizens. In fact, the protection of the water resources and freshwater and saltwater ecosystems have always been at the corner stones of the environmental protection in Europe.
Councillor for the Environment of the City of Venice Assessore
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Director of the Office in Venice of the Council of Europe
Vito Borrelli, Deputy Chief of the Representative of the European Commission in Italy
Angela Pomaro, CNR-ISMAR National Council of Research, Institute of Marine
Francesca Santoro, UNESCO - The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
Modera: Efrem Tassinato, jornalist, Responsabie National Secretariat UNAGA
The management of water resources and marine ecosystems is directly involved in combating climate change, which is an integral part of European policy through the
blue economy which will help to reach the objectives of the
European Green Deal and other European initiatives on biodiversity and environmental sustainability. For this reason, the
directive 2000/60/CE (Pictures on water - DQA) introduced an innovative approach in European water legislation, both from an environmental and administrative-management point of view.
Dolomites and the
Venitian Lagoon became respectively in 2009 and 1987
UNESCO sites because of the uniqueness and beauty of their landscapes, the result of a dynamic process that illustrates the interaction between man and ecosystem over time. The protagonist of these UNESCO sites is certainly also water, which, from its source in the Dolomites, reaches the Venetian Lagoon and immerses Venice in its element.
Some pictures of the event:
For more info:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
Caffè Florian Venezia
Piazza San Marco, 57
Tel. +39 041 520 56 41
Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/07/2022 ore 12:52