06.05.2022 Cycle of Meetings CAFÈ EUROPE - "Europe and Sport"
Cycle of Meetings CAFÈ EUROPE
"Europe and Sport" inserited in the Bike Festival ”PAVÈ', Pedaling in Venice”
4 pm Chiostro M9, via Poerio 24, Mestre
Free drink untill resoruces available
==> Event inserted in Europe celebration day in Venice 2022
Friday 6th of may from 4pm at the Chiostro M9 - Museo del '900, via Poerio 24, in Mestre it was held the meeting of Cafè Europe with the title "Europe and Sport", inserted in the Bike Festival - "PAVÈ, Pedaling in Venice”.
Free entrance. Link of optional registration .
Diego Gallo, Veneto Region, Etifor project manager
Alberto Ballarin, Tourism Councillor for the Municipality of Cavallino Treporti
Michel Noussan, Energy engineer, Decisio research and consulting institute
Moderator: Stefano Munarin, IUAV University of Venice
The "Europe and Sport" meeting aims to promote the values the European Union attaches to Sport as a tool for social integration and intercultural dialogue according to the values of peace, inclusion and sustainability.

Per maggiori informazioni:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
30171 Venezia Mestre
telefono: +39 041 0995941
E-mail: info@m9museum.it