09.05.2023 Europe Day at the Torcello Museum


The Metropolitan City of Venice and San Servolo srl to celebrate Europe Day and to reaffirm their adherence to the founding values of the European Union, open the Torcello Museum to the public on Tuesday 9 May with reduced admission for all visitors (from €3 to €1.50). 

Europe Day was established in 1985 to commemorate the "Schuman Declaration" presented on 9 May 1950 and considered the founding act of the European Union.

Museo provinciale di Torcello - Wikipedia

In 1985, the European heads of state and government meeting in Milan decided to establish 9 May as Europe Day, which would be celebrated every year to commemorate French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman's declaration made in 1950. His declaration laid the foundation for the rebirth of peace and development in Europe through the establishment of a European Coal and Steel Community. The new climate of cooperation represented the beginning of an era in which every war-related project in Europe was to become 'not only unthinkable, but materially impossible'.

In the spirit of the European Union's motto 'United in Diversity' and its values of cooperation and peace between peoples, cultural heritage and being able to enjoy it as citizens and members of the community should be a shared right and an opportunity to recognise the richness of the continent's different cultures, traditions and languages.

Visiting information:
Public opening hours of the Torcello Museum: 10.30 am - 5.30 pm (last entrance at 5 pm)

For further information

Other initiatives at the Torcello Museum


Per informazioni:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/06/2023 ore 11:37