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09.09.2022-11.09.2022 Exhibition & Festival of the Forests 2022

From the 9th to the 11th of September 2022 Longarone is the protagonist of the Exhibition and Festival of the Forests at the Longarore Fiere in via del Parco, 3. The event is a collaboration between Longarone Fiere Dolomiti and Veneto Agricoltura. Europe Direct Venezia Veneto del Comune di Venezia and Europe Direct Montagna Veneta will partecipate thanks to the partnership between the Europe Direct centers of the Veneto region.
Visit the official website of Longarone Fiere
The VAIA tempest left us with a challenge: the restoration of the forest and the securing of the territory. The tempest especially highlighted the urgent necessity of studying and deepening the knowledge regarding theme of climate change, a phanomenon that has been increasingly evident in our territory.
The Exhibition and Festival of the Forests wants to be a place where the theme of climate change is of central importance. In this scenario the partecipation of all the private and public protagonists is fundamental, and the partecipants are called to confront themselves together on the problematic themes keeping in their minds the guidelines, the prospects, and the aims of the Green Deal: the great project of the European Commission for the future susteinability of the planet.
Exhibition & Festival of the Forests with Longarone Fiere Dolomiti is an active part of the Project Life in which many partner have collaborates. The project analyzes and proposes the best solutions and opportunities to value specific resources (ex: crashes post-Vaia) and alternative crops.
Exhibition & Festival of the Forests it draws from the synergy of the best experiences of the forestry events.
9th-10th-11th September 2022
EXHIBITION & FESTIVAL OF THE FORESTS, exhibition-convention with a rich program of cultural (convention, workshops, laboratories, courses) adressed to the istitutional, formative and research world, and the most innovative aspects of the sector.
BOSTER NORTH EAST with the best mechanizational forest and dynamic demostrations.
For more info:
Via del Parco 3 - Longarone (BL)
telefono 0437 577577
Ultimo aggiornamento: 06/02/2023 ore 09:35