10.01.2022 - "Ambassador School Programme 2022"

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Monday January 10th 2022, at the Institute of Maria Ausiliatrice of Padova (PD), of the Guarino Veronese High School of San Bonifacio (VR) and the Angela Veronese High School of Montebelluna (TV) was held the online formative meeting "Ambassador School Programme 2022" for new voters' students, in collaboration with Office of the European Parliament in Italy and  Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice.

Ambassador School Programme is a project promoted by the Office of the European Parliament in Italy and it is addressed towards high school with the objective of making students more knowledgable about democracy in the EUropean Parliament, about what is the job of the MEPs (Members of the European Parliament), and to make them known about their rights as European citizens. 

The idea is to spread the knowledge of the European Union in all schools, but also to families, the territories and the local authorities.  

The programme aim to sensibilyze students to promote education through peers, participation and students' and teachers' active involvement in the making of the activities in the project. 

The adheering schools are represented by a teacher as Senior Ambassador and it will be a maximum of 24 Junior Ambassador among students.

The schools that are participating are requested to:

  • Follow a formative meeting held by the European Parliament (1 hour 30 minutes); organizing seminars and/or meetings to deepen the themes that will be chosen through the proposal of the Office of the European Parliament. 
  • Creation in the school of an Infopoint on the European Parliament: through a process of education with peers among students' ambassadors which spread to their classmates the onformation which have learnt, with the distribution of new materials provided by the European Parliament. 
  • Organizing a Europe Day Celebration in the month of May 2022 thought for the occasion deom the Junior Ambassador for their own schools in the way they find it suitable and effective for other students. 

During the Europe Day Celebration in the month of May it will be given the official Plate "Ambassador's School of the European Parliament" and the nominative certificates for Junior and Senior Ambassadors.  

For more info about the Ambassador School Programme

For more info about the Ambassador School Programme in Venice

Some pictures of the event: 

foto epas 1
foto epas 2
foto epas 3
epas foto 8
Some pictures of the award ceremony of the EPAS project, inserted in the Europe Celelbration Day 2022 in Venice: 

For more contacts:

Ufficio d'informazione in Italia - Sede di Roma
tel. 06 699501

Ufficio d'informazione in Italia - Sede di Milano
tel. 02 4344171

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it



Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/07/2022 ore 09:54