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11.05.2021 Webinar "Youth mobility for the future of Europe"
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 16:00 the webseminar "Youth mobility for the future of Europe" was held. Event in collaboration between Europe Direct in Venice, the CDE Verona, and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) in Venice, Padua and Verona.
The meeting was open to citizenship, in particular to young people, to raise awareness of the main transnational mobility opportunities for study, training and volunteering offered by the EU, providing operational guidance, and at the same time, in line with the aims of the process initiated by the joint declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe process, to collect comments, criticisms and proposals on the subject.
The conference on the future of Europe
The Conference on the Future of Europe is a series of debates and debates launched on the citizens' initiative that will enable everyone in Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common future. This unprecedented conference is an ambitious pan-European democratic exercise that creates a new public space for an open, inclusive and transparent debate with citizens on a number of important priorities and challenges.


Lo Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia sta conducendo un'indagine per rilevare il grado di soddisfazione dell'evento Festa dell'Europa 2021.
Some photos of the event:

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, 30174 Venezia Mestre
Revisione dei contenuti: 31/05/2021
Ultimo aggiornamento: 31/05/2021 ore 12:51