11.11.2022 Recital "Teresina - A True Story"
On Friday, November 11 at 6 p.m., the play "Teresina - A True Story" was staged at the Candiani Cultural Center.
The play, based on the book of the same name by Gianguido Pagi Palumbo, is part of the November Women's calendar of events for the "Free from Violence" campaign coordinated by Comune di Venezia for the UN International Day against Violence against Women on November 25.
It is the story of a woman who calls herself a misunderstood artist, who has lived on the streets and who, while going through experiences of degradation, violence and alcoholism, manages to survive in her own way and with irony in a hostile world.
The show was sponsored by the San Pio X Family House Institute and the Amici di casa famiglia Onlus association, in collaboration with Inner Wheel Club Venezia Mestre. It is an Arte-Mide Teatro production with the collaboration for the dramaturgy of Chiarastella Seravalle, direction by Alberto Toninato, music by Rachele Colombo and the extraordinary participation of Gualtiero Bertelli.
Some photos of the performance:

Via Spalti 28, 30174 - Venezia Mestre
Toll free number 800 496200