13.12.2018 - Conference '' An interview with the European Commission: between personal experiences and political challenges ''
On Thursday 13 December 2018 at 11.00 am was held in Venice at the Santa Margherita Auditorium of the Cà Foscari University of Venice (Dorsoduro 3689) the conference "An interview with the European Commission: between personal experiences and political challenges" with Vito Borrelli, Deputy Head of the European Commission Representation in Italy.
The free access initiative open to citizens was the result of collaboration between the Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea, Università Ca' Foscari and Europe Direct Venezia Veneto del Comune di Venezia . The conference was included in the series of meetings of European officials at the universities where they graduated. In fact, Vito Borrelli graduated from the Cà Foscari University of Venice in English and Russian language and literature.The Dr. Borrelli presented his experience as an official of the European Commission, and then focus on those that, in the opinion of the Commission, are the next political and institutional challenges of the European Union.
Institutional greetings
Tiziana Lippiello,Prorettrice Vicaria, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice
Duccio Basosi
Professor of History of International Relations, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice
Stéphanie Novak
Professor of International Relations, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - Venezia
numero verde 800 496200
fax 041 2748182