15.01-26.02.2022 Photographic exhibition "What is Europe to you?"

From Saturday, January 15, to Saturday, 26 February 2022, the Lisa Borgiani's photographic exhibition "What is Europe to you?" will be held at Albrizzi-Cappello Palace, in Venice (Cannaregio, F.ta San Andrea 4118).
The exhibition of Lisa Borgiani is edited by the No profit cultural association T.A.N. The Arts of Nets with the support from the Goethe Institut and the Italian-German cultural association of Venice, in collaboration with the European Parliament - Office of Milan and Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice, with the patronage of the European Commission, Milan's General Consulate of the Federal Republic of Venice and Veneto Region.
in the afternoon from 15.00 to 18.00
Free admission upon presentation of Green pass
What is Europe to you? is the photographic, in progress journey of the artist Lisa Borgiani’s through the main European cities and capitals. For each city the author has chosen to portray the inhabitants in the various neighborhoods, going from the center to the suburbs, in order to offer a diverse and meaningful social and urban split. The portraits, which are 45 per city, of the people the artist has met, are always spontaneous in order to highlight the aspect of relationship and dialogue. Each person portrayed by the author asked the question: What is Europe to you?
There are several cities and places where the artist has realized this project (Athens, Berlin, Milan, Rome, Ventotene Island and Paris) and the project will also be carried out in other European capitals (Brussels, Madrid, Vienna...).
The final work is always composed of a black and white portrait of the people interviewed, often highlighting the urban context in which they are, from the name of the person photographed or the place where the shot was taken, by a keyword summarising their idea of Europe and by a short text containing the sentences expressed.
The project created by the artist aims to create and encourage a more direct link between citizens and institutions. It also intends to focus attention on the process of social inclusion and participation in a democratic way, as well as increasing the interest of citizens for Europe through new ways of fruition and sharing.
=> During the exhibition organized at the Palazzo Albrizzi-Cappello in Venice, students from schools and universities are also invited and involved. They are asked the question "What is Europe to you?": the collected thoughts are published online and displayed during the exhibition in collage format in a dedicated space. The intention is to actively involve the generations who will be able to bear witness to this historically important period and contribute to the growth of European cohesion.
For more information:
Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
toll-free number 800 496200
fax 041 2748182
Content review: 30/12/2021