15.05.2024 Screening with debate of the docu-film "Blue Carbon"
Screening with debate of the docu-film "Blue Carbon"
5 p.m. VIU, Island of San Servolo, Venice

On Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 5 p.m. there was a screening with debate of the 87-minute documentary film "Blue Carbon" by director Nicolas Brown in Venice at the Venice International University, Island of San Servolo in collaboration between We Are Here Venice and Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice, an event included in The Wake Up Europe Festival within the Wake Up Europe educational campaign.
=> Entrance is free by reservation at info@theproject.eu
Italy has 57 wetlands of international importance recognised by the Ramsar Convention list, one of the most important being in the Venice lagoon. What do we know about the role of wetlands in climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as in sustainable development? How can Europe contribute to making the most of nature's superpowers? The event aims to raise awareness on this issue by promoting dialogue between experts, students and locals.

The screening at the VIU of the documentary film 'Blue Carbon', which was in English and with Italian subtitles, previously unseen in Italy, is part of the Wake Up Europe educational campaign with an introduction at the beginning and a debate after the film to promote understanding of the significance of European wetlands, with various speakers including:
- Francesca Vianello, Head of Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
- Annalisa Piras, journalist, director of The Wake Up Europe Festival
- Ilda Mannino, VIU Env. Management and Sustainable Development, scientific coordinator of VIU's TEN Sustainability Programme and lecturer of the course Globalisation, Environment and Sustainable Development
- Jane da Mosto, co-founder and executive director of We Are Here Venice

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E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it