18.03.2025 MEETING RE.NA.TUR - Istituto Gritti

On Tuesday, March 18, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m., the event organized by Re.Na.Tur (National Network of School Institutes of Tourism) will be held at the Aula Magna of the Gritti Institute in Venice. The event will focus on the State Examination of the Tourist Institute: between confirmations, novelties and future perspectives and on tourist flows and their management in Italy and Europe

The event is organized by Re.Na.Tur (National Network of School Institutes of Tourism) in collaboration with the Gritti Institute of Venice and the Europe Direct Venice Veneto Service.

The meeting is open to citizenship.

It is possible to attend free of charge in presence (while places are available) or by connecting online by clicking here.

During the morning, experts in the field and public and private institutions will discuss not only the topic of the state exam but also issues of global relevance, including the sustainability of tourism, new post-pandemic dynamics, the use of technologies to improve the tourism experience, and the economic impact of tourism flows in Italy and Europe.


8.30-10.10  --> Meeting “Esame di Stato dell'Istituto Turistico: tra conferme novità e prospettive future

  • Daniela La Mattina - School Manager IIS Gritti of Venice
  • Ermelinda Damiano - President of the City Council of Venice
  • Simone Venturini - Tourism councillor of the Municipality of Venice
  • Alessandra Moretti – Member of the North-East constituency
  • Chiara Balena - Manager ITT Marco Polo of Rimini
  • Pasquale Di Nunno – technical structure and MIM state examinations
  • Flaminia Giorda - MIM State Examination Technical Structure Coordinator and National Inspection Service Coordinator
10.10-12.10 --> Workshop “Flussi turistici e loro gestione in Italia e in Europa. Approccio in una ottica di sostenibilità
  • Michele Tamma - University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
  • Sofia Bombonati – Universiy Ca’ Foscari of Venice
  • Stefano Bolatto - University of Bologna - Rimini Campus
  • Francesca Vianello - Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice
  • Paolo Vettorello - President of the association “Amici di Oliviero Lessi”
Ultimo aggiornamento: 14/03/2025 ore 10:55