21.05.2024 Presentation of the "European funding guide 2024"

The publication "European funding guide 2024" is available online, created by Unioncamere del Veneto-Eurosportello Veneto in collaboration with the Delegation of Brussels and Venicepromex, with the support of the Europe Direct desks of the Municipality of Venice, the Municipality of Padua and theEurope Direct Montagna Veneta. It should always be borne in mind that the three thematic priorities (digital transition, green transition and European economic and social resilience) are common to all programmes.

The 2024 European Financing Guide was created with the aim of updating and informing citizens and businesses on European programming for the period 2021-2027, offering an overview of the main direct financing programs made available by the European Commission.

The Guide is divided by topics and thematic areas: research, technological development and competitiveness (Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, Single Market), energy and environment (LIFE and REpower EU), agriculture (CAP), education and culture (Erasmus+, Creative Europe ), tourism, justice, equality and social change (Justice, Rights and Values), health (EU4Health), taxation and customs (Customs), infrastructure and transport (Connecting Europe Facility), international cooperation (Neighborhood NDICI, Global Europe, FAMI) , financial instruments for economic and social recovery (InvestEU), Cohesion Policy (Cohesion, REACT-EU, Interreg). In order to make the Guide as understandable and immediate as possible, the main programs are presented for each section, taking into consideration the three thematic priorities, common across all programmes:
Digital Transition
Green Transition
European economic and social resilience

The 2024 edition of the Guide has been enriched with the chapter “European democracy in view of the 2024 elections”, designed to contextualize what will happen across Europe in June this year, i.e. the elections for the European Parliament and to remember that citizens' ability to vote corresponds to the desire to participate in public debate and therefore to determine their own future: this constitutes a fundamental democratic right and a backbone of the EU. Furthermore, some studies show that over 70% of decisions taken in Europe have repercussions on national territories.
The Guide is available in digital version on the  UNIONCAMERE DEL VENETO website.

WATCH THE RECORDING OF THE MEETING on the Europe Direct Venezia Veneto YouTube channel of the Municipality of Venice

On Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 11am, the presentation of the "Guide to European funding 2024" and the Europe Direct activities in Veneto took place online, organized by Unioncamere del Veneto, partner of the Venetian sub-network Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice, in collaboration with the 3 Europe Direct centers in Veneto (Municipality of VeniceMunicipality of PaduaGAL Prealpi e Dolomiti). The presentation of the guide is included in the program of the Europe Day in Venice 2024 coordinated by Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice.


- Francesca VianelloEurope Direct Venezia Veneto - Comune di Venezia

welcome and opening on Europe Day

Eleonora MartonUnioncamere del Veneto

in-depth analysis of European funding

Monica De CetEurope Direct Montagna veneta - GAL Prealpi e Dolomiti

presentation of Europe Direct activities

Laura GnanEurope Direct Padova - Comune di Padova

presentation of Europe Direct activities

- Francesca Vianello,  Europe Direct Venezia Veneto - Comune di Venezia

presentation of Europe Direct activities

- Questions from the audience

Some photos of the meeting:
For informations:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
Ultimo aggiornamento: 04/10/2024 ore 11:48