22.03.2022 Certilingua® Certificate awarding cerimony
Issued by the individual Regional School Offices, after verification by an Evaluation and Validation Committee appointed by the Ministry of Education, CertiLingua® testifies the graduate’s ability to interact in an international context in two or more languages, beyond the mother tongue.
Since the school year 2011/2012, the Directorate General for School Regulations has been promoting the "CertiLingua®, European Certificate of Excellence for multilingual competences and European/international competences"in the field of cross-border cooperation to meet the need for an international attestation of support for multilingualism and student mobility.
The Certificate is an element of added value to the Diploma of Secondary Education and ensures transparency and comparability of skills gained in the various countries.
Issued by the individual Regional School Offices, after verification by an Evaluation and Validation Committee appointed by the Ministry, CertiLingua has attested to the graduate’s ability to interact in an international context in two or more languages, beyond the mother tongue.
In particular, the Certificate outlines the outgoing profile of the student at the end of the session of the State Exams based on the following requirements:
- language skills at level B2 or higher of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, verified through an internationally recognised Certification Body, in at least 2 languages other than their mother tongue;
attendance of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) courses in one or more non-language subjects for a minimum of 70 hours of lessons in the last two years of secondary schools; - competences of European citizenship gained through participation in international cooperation projects, corresponding to level 4 of the Common Framework for European Competences implemented by the European Elos Network.
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e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
Revisione dei contenuti: 04/04/2022