23-24.09.2023 European Heritage Days 2023

Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September 2023 the European Heritage Days (GEP) has returned to more countries in Europe with their Heritage Walks, namely special guided tours. The European Heritage Days is an initiative of the Council of Europe in cooperation with the European Union since 1999. Visit the European Commission website on European Heritage Days 
The title of the 2023 edition was “Patrimonio InVita”. The 2023 edition proposed a reflection on the sustainable management of cultural heritage and landscape from an environmental, social and economic point of view. These walks were special routes that, going beyond traditional guided tours, allowed participants to discover and capture the territory through the eyes of those who live it. This has been possible thanks to the direct participation of the inhabitants, associations and institutions linked to a certain place, which foster a deeper understanding of it for the benefit of its valorisation and transmission to future generations. 
The Italian representation of the Council of Europe based in Venice in the year 2023 coordinates about 100 events throughout Italy on the occasion of the European Heritage Days. This is possible thanks to the well-established partnership with the Ministry of Culture (MiC), the Italian Federation of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO, WIGWAM Italia and the Istituto Italiano dei Castelli, which decided to celebrate the National Castles Days within the GEP. 
Due to the presence in Venice of the Italian representation of the Council of Europe, the Heritage Walks have been organised in collaboration with Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the City of Venice. The coordination of the Heritage Walks were part of a targeted series of initiatives implemented by the Venice Office to promote awareness of and adherence to the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention), ratified by Italy in September 2020. 
Foto della conferenza stampa  Foto della conferenza stampa 
More information on the individual events can be found both on the website of the Venice Office of the Council of Europe (www.coe.int/venice under Faro Convention, section "Coming events") and on the website of the MiC - Ministry of Culture (at the link: http://musei.beniculturali.it/notizie/notifiche/giornate-europee-del-patrimonio-2023). 
The event poster can be found in electronic format at this link: GEP BROCHURE 2023.
Programme of the 30 2023 Heritage Waks for the Veneto region:
  • ​23/09 51 Years of Wigwam: History and the Network-Wigwam Saccisica (PD)
    23/09 Discovering the reclaimed lands of the Veneto countryside-Wigwam Saccisica (PD)
    23/09 Discovering Castel Ser Ugo, Villa Ferri-Wigwam Conselvano (PD)
    23/09 A Walk in the Nemora Woods. Past, present and future-Wigwam Legnaro (PD)
    23/09 "Heritage Walk" around and inside the walls, discovering our history-Parish S. Michele Arcangelo di Candiana (PD)
    23/09 Route works of the artist Stefano Baschierato-Wigwam Saccisica (PD)
    24/09 From the Cutting of Gorzon to Today. Testimonies and evidence of five centuries of land reclamation-Ass. Arcaviva (PD)
    24/09 Ancient grains, stone flours and artisan pasta-Wigwam Cittadellese (PD)
    24/09 Hemp, on the thread of time-Wigwam Colli Euganei (PD)
    24/09 Along the Tergola between history and nature-Commune S. Giorgio in Bosco and AUSER S. Giorgio in Bosco (PD)
    23/09 Ae Carte-Gioiosa et Serenissima (TV)
    23-24/09 The castle of S. Martino di Ceneda-Istituto Italiano dei Castelli Veneto (TV)
    23-24/09 The rampart system of Treviso-Italian Institute of Castles Veneto and Alliance for the Treviso rampart system (TV)
    24/09 The architectural sign of Tobia Scarpa-Fondazione Benetton (TV)
    24/09 A visit to the old Habsburg prisons in Treviso-Fondazione Imago Mundi (TV)23/09 After the factories. A walk through the post-industrial places of Giudecca-IVESER (VE)
    23/09 Stra: Villa Loredan country residence of the three Doges Loredan-Wigwam Riviera del Brenta (VE)
    23/09 Su e Zo Detour: Paths of Venetian crafts and creativity-Project "Su e Zo Detour" (VE)
    23-24/09 Water Games with fishermen and vegetable growers from the north lagoon-Wigwam Venice (VE)
    23-24/09 Rediscovering Forte S. Felice - Forte S. Felice Committee and the Municipality of Chioggia (VE)
    24/09 From San Polo to San Marco- Project "Su e Zo Detour" (VE)
    24/09 An archaeological experience at Mino Meduaco-Wigwam Riviera del Brenta (VE)
    22-27/09 The Body of the Earth-Arts of Representation and the Municipality of Monteviale (VI)
    23/09 Casa Insieme, the educating community of the Alto Vicentino-Wigwam Alto Vicentino (VI)
    24/09 Observing the heritage: Villa Trissino, the origin of the myth of Palladio-Club UNESCO Vicenza (VI)
    23/09 Walk in the Valley of the Mills-Italia Nostra Verona (VR)
    23/09 Open doors of grandparents who tell and are told-Wigwam Colognese Veneto (VR)
    24/09 Hemp in Cologna Veneta between history, use and customs-Wigwam Colognese and Est Veronese (VR)
    23-24/09 Traveller's Festival 2023: the ark of things for the future-Wigwam Pedemontana del Grappa
Some photos of the previous editions: 
For further information: 
Consiglio d’Europa: European Heritage Days
Commissione europea: European Heritage Days
Twitter: @JEP_EHD #EHDs
Instagram: @europeanheritagedays #EHDs #JEP
Consiglio d'Europa 
Ufficio di Venezia
San Marco 180C, 30124 Venezia
Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/10/2023 ore 12:50