23.05.2024 Webinar "Europe for Business"
Webinar "Europe for Business"
2:30 p.m. online meeting open to the citizens
Thursday 23 May 2024 from 14.30 to 15. 30 there was the webinar "Europe for Business" in collaboration between Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice, the Chamber of Commerce of Venice-Rovigo and Eurosportello-Unioncamere of Veneto to facilitate access to Chamber services for enterprises in Veneto directed towards Europe, with the presentation of EEN- Enterprise Europe Network services, the Erasmus Programme for Young entrepreneurs, B2B brokerage events and other concrete measures, including the services of the Brussels Representations, Unioncamere Europa and Unioncamere Veneto Brussels office.
The webinar was free of charge and open to all citizens.
Chiara Tagliaferro,Chamber of Commerce of Venice-Rovigo
Francesca Vianello, Head of Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
Filippo Mazzariol, Eurosportello-Unioncamere del Veneto EEN- Enterprise Europe Network
News from the EEN Point at Unioncamere del Veneto: https://www.unioncamereveneto.it/tag/een/
The EEN - Enterprise Europe Network: https://www.unioncamereveneto.it/attivita-e-servizi/attivita/rete-een/
The headquarters of Unioncamere del Veneto in Brussels: https://www.unioncamereveneto.it/sede-di-bruxelles/
Presentation of the Guide to European financing and guide 2024: https://www.comune.venezia.it/it/content/21052024-presentazione-guida-ai-finanziamenti-europei-2024-e-delle-attivit-europe-direct
EYE - Erasmus for entrepreneurs: https://www.unioncamereveneto.it/attivita-e-servizi/attivita/imprenditoria-e-orientation/erasmus-for-young-entrepreneurs/ and related success stories: https://www .unioncamereveneto.it/attivita-e-servizi/attivita/imprenditoria-e-orientation/erasmus-for-young-entrepreneurs/storie-di-successo/
Unioncamere - Impresa in un Giorno website - Your business in Europe - https://www.impresainungiorno.gov.it/web/l-impresa-e-l-europa/la-tua-impresa-in-europa
Unioncamere - Spazio Europa - Observatory for Notices and Legislative News: https://www.unioncamere.gov.it/spazio-europa
Guide to business rights in Europe: https://www.impresainungiorno.gov.it/documents/20530/0/Guida+ai+diritti+delle+imprese+2022.pdf/7c746c37-25e8-4af1-9de0-2bdc237fd1b2
YOUR EUROPE - Official website of the European Union: https://europa.eu/youreurope/index_it.htm

For further information:
Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
toll-free number 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it