24-25.09.2022 European Heritage Days 2022
On 24 and 25 September 2022, the European Heritage Days (EHD), an initiative of the Council of Europe in cooperation with the European Union since 1999, returned to more than 50 countries.
The title of the 2022 edition was 'Sustainable Cultural Heritage: A Legacy for the Future'. The 2022 edition proposed a reflection on the sustainable management of cultural heritage and landscape from an environmental, social and economic perspective. These walks were special routes that, going beyond tradition, allowed participants to discover and capture the territory through the eyes of those who live it. This was possible thanks to the direct participation of inhabitants, associations and institutions linked to a certain place, which fostered a deeper understanding of it for the benefit of its enhancement and transmission to future generations.
The Italian representation of the Council of Europe based in Venice in the year 2022 coordinated over 130 events all over Italy, most of them on the occasion of the European Heritage Days. This was possible thanks to the consolidated partnership with the Ministry of Culture (MiC), the Italian Federation of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO, WIGWAM Italy, the regional Ecomuseums and the Italian Institute of Castles, which decided to celebrate the National Castles Days within the GEP.
The walks were organised with the coordination of the Venice Office of the Council of Europe, the only office in Italy, in collaboration with Europe Direct Venezia Veneto del Comune di Venezia.
The event poster can be found in electronic format at this link: BROCHURE GEP 2022.
In the Municipality of Venice we point out the Heritage Walks of the Municipality of Venice on Tuesday 27 September 2022 at the Forte Marghera in Mestre-Venice.
- 21/09 Villa Valmarana Bressan, at school from the ancients-Club for UNESCO Vicenza, Centro cult. Palladio (VI)
24/09 SOS barn on the Strada Regia and the places of San Rocco-CISO Veneto (BL)
24/09 Scents of Autumn in the ancient village-Community Faro di Pontecasale (PD)
24/09 Rediscovering the statues of Prato della Valle in Padova-Wigwam l.c. East Padua (PD)
24/09 Promoting culture and biodiversity: Bees in the woods-Wigwam l.c. Saccisica (PD)
24/09 Let's discover hemp in the thread of time-Wigwam l.c. Euganean Hills (PD)
24/09 Discovering the Presidium's vegetable gardens: a fragile miracle-Wigwam l.c. Padua East (PD)
24/09 Discovering "Castel Ser Ugo" or Villa Ferri-Wigwam l.c. Conselvano (PD)
24/09 The heritage of local memory-Wigwam l.c. Saccisica (PD)
24/09 Excursion to discover the city and its river: Padua and the Piovego River-Wigwam l.c. Padua (PD)
24-25/09 Let's walk and discover the reclaimed lands of the Veneto countryside-Wigwam l.c. Saccisica (PD)
24/09 From workshops to the gondola: Venetian craftsmanship is revealed-El Felze (VE)
24/09 On the trail of Tintoretto: the papers of the church of Madonna dell'Orto-Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica del Veneto e del Trentino Alto Adige (VE)
24/09 The Living Cultural Heritage-Conserv Arte and Associazione Gioiosa et Amorosa (VE)
24-25/09 Rediscovering Forte San Felice-Committee Forte San Felice (VE)
24-25/09 Let's play hydraulic games with the sea and the tide of the Venetian Lagoon-Wigwam l.c. Venice (VE)
24/09 The Educating Community, Generator of Development-Wigwam l.c. Alto Vicentino (VI)
24-25/09 Visits to the castle of Montegalda-Istituto Italiano dei Castelli and Ass. Memorabilia (VI)
24/09 Business generates development for the Community-Wigwam l.c. Colognese Veneto (VR)
24/09 On the trail of the Ostiglia Treviso-Wigwam l.c. Valli Grandi Veronesi (VR)
24/09 LAGs and territorial sustainability: the projects and actions undertaken-Wigwam l.c. Lessinia (VR)
24-25/09 Extraordinary opening of the Ossuary of Custoza-Municipality of Sommacampagna (VR)
25/09 Wandering through woods and meadows above Norcen: the Trugno ring-Wigwam l.c. Valbelluna (BL)
25/09 To the Lands of the Saint-Community of Faro Anguillara Veneta (PD)
25/09 The Lighthouse of Candiana: a bell tower and its bells-Community of Faro Candiana (PD)
25/09 Let's learn to love the territory from the fossils of the Cava Bomba-Wigwam Museum l.c. Euganean Hills (PD)
25/09 Euganean Hills: from quarries to a green economy-Wigwam l.c. Saccisica (PD)
25/09 The Abbey of Vangadizza in Badia Polesine-Wigwam l.c. Alto Polesine (RO)
25/09 The cultural heritage lives-Association Gioiosa et Amorosa (TV)
25/09 An "archaeological" day at Mino Meduaco-Wigwam l.c. Riviera del Brenta (VE)
25/09 The countryside as therapy, a day in the countryside outdoors-Wigwam l.c. Colognese Veneto (VR)
October "The Earthly Paradise": work of nature, work of man-Wigwam l.c. Alto Polesine (RO)
02/10 Discovering the artefacts of ancient Patavium and the province at the height of its splendour-Municipality of Arzergrande (PD)
08-09/10 The historical re-enactment of Thiene in 1492-Wigwam l.c. Alto Vicentino (VI)
To take part in the events, booking through this website was necessary.

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E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it