24.09.2020 Inauguration of European Day of Languages 2020

#EDLangs   #DiscoverTranslation

The European Day of Languages is celebrated all over Europe on Saturday 26 September 2020. Venice also takes part in the official celebrations with a special edition entitled "Resistance. Languages in quarantine".

The opening was held at the Auditorium Santa Margherita- Venice, on Thursday 24 September 2020 at 9:30

Entry open to the citizen upon registration.

Follow the RAI service on the European Day of Languages 2020 Venice at: newsletter TGR VENETO - 24 September 2020 h 19.30 min 16.15

h 9.30 - Institutional greetings:
Maria del Valle Ojeda Calvo, Director of the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Studies
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Director of the Council of Europe in Venice
Francesca Vianello, Head of the Europe Direct-Eurodesk of the Municipality of Venice
Carmela Palumbo,  General Director of the Regional School Office in Veneto
h 10.00 - Languages in quarantine - Readings:

=>Reading by Professor Maria Cristina Giada, German language teacher at Algarotti High School.
Chosen text: "Maßnahmen gegen die Gewalt" by Kalendergeschichten (Calendar Stories) by Bertolt Brecht.
With the participation of the student Giada Scantanburlo.
=>Reading by prof.ssa Adriana Ioana Opris, professor of Romanian language, Ca'Foscari University.
Chosen text: Jurnalul fericirii (Diary of happiness) by Nicolae Steinhardt.
With the participation of the student Anamaria Marin.

h 10.30 - Delivey book vouchers and participation certificate GEL:
Laura Donà, Dirigente Tecnico del Ministero dell'Istruzione
h 10.45 - Closing event at:
String quartet of the Liceo Montanari in Verona
Due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 emergency, the European Day of Languages is held online with a collage of many videos. This year’s edition revolves around the theme of Resistance: collective resistance and individual resistance, as a testimony to the traumatic period we are facing. All contributions for a total of 18 different languages: from language readings made during the lockdown by schools in Veneto, to language readings by students of the University of Ca'Foscari Venice. They are all available on the University’s Youtube platform from 26 September 2020, three videos every day.
The initiative have been strongly supported by the Ca' Foscari University of Venice with the Department of Comparative Linguistic and Cultural Studies, by the USR Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Veneto, the Council of Europe and Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice. In addition, among the main aims of the initiative there is the willingness to encourage young people and adults to learn languages, in the certainty that plurilinguism is also a vaccine against intolerance.
The video entitled "Saluti istituzionali" gives access to the opening speeches by Maria del Valle Ojeda Calvo, director of the Department, Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, director of the Council of Europe in Venice, Francesca Vianello, head of Europe Direct-Euro desk of the City of Venice and Carmela Palumbo, Director General of the Regional School Office in Veneto. In addition, you can see "Vivere d'istanti", a beautiful dance event flash-mob style full of enthusiasm held in Piazza San Marco and recorded the morning of Monday, July 6, 2020 with the collaboration of Gymnastics Ardor of Padua and the curated choreography of Giorgia Benetello. Moreover, "A page of history" is a magnificent project spontaneously born by a group of students after the first long weeks of uncertainty and closure under the hashtag #I stay at home; then, "Languages in quarantine", video collage created, recorded and edited in total and generous autonomy by the students. They are school videos with the exciting testimonies of the students led by their teachers and finally the surprising mosaic of languages and cultures created by teachers and students of Ca' Foscari. There are also small videos like tiny colored tiles that magically open the door to several thoughts expressed in 18 different languages. In alphabetical order: Albanian, Anglo-American, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, French, English, Italian, galego, LIS, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Spanish-American, German, vasco. Eighteen languages reconfirmed daily by their speakers as an essential tool of communication and intercomprehension; eighteen languages to tell us many stories of resistance and resilience that make us reflect on the pain and disappointments, on identity, social distress, endless struggle, dignity and courage.
The European Day of Languages is an event held throughout Europe every year on 26 September with the aim of raising awareness of the wide variety of languages present in Europe, promoting cultural and linguistic diversity and encouraging people of all ages to learn languages. Indeed, talking about it more and mroe makes it easier to get in touch with people, to help people to find jobs, and grow businesses.
The European Day of Languages was established by the European Commission and the Council of Europe, representing 800 million Europeans from 47 different countries. Many cultural and linguistic institutions, associations, universities and, in particular, schools participate in the event. Established in 2001, on the occasion of the European Year of Languages, this day has since been celebrated every year.


​On 26 September and in the days before and after, language courses, games, conversations, conferences, radio programmes and many other initiatives are organised throughout Europe.

- EVENTS IN EUROPE: all the events are available in the website of the Council of Europe dedicated to the European Day of Languages

- EVENTS IN ITALY: all events are available in the website of the Representation of the European Commission (in cooperation with their partners in all EU Member States)

Some photos of the opening:

Foto anteprima 24 Settembre
Foto anteprima 24 Settembre
Foto anteprima 24 Settembre
Foto anteprima 24 Settembre
Foto anteprima 24 Settembre
Foto anteprima 24 Settembre
Foto anteprima 24 Settembre
Foto anteprima 24 Settembre


Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
telefono 345 8358360 (nel periodo di smart-working)
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it


Ultimo aggiornamento: 24/02/2021 ore 10:05