25.10.2019 Eurotraining 2019

Friday 25 October 2019 continued the Eurotraining 2019, organized by the Unioncamere del Veneto - Eurosportello in collaboration with Regione Veneto, Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the City of Venice.

The Eurotraining course is organized by Unioncamere del Veneto within the framework of the SME Convention 2019 – “Programme of information to small and medium-sized enterprises on Community economic policies and for the entrepreneurial development of Veneto” in collaboration with the Veneto Region. The course will be held at UNIONCAMERE DEL VENETO - EUROSPORTELLO - Parco Vega - Edificio lybra - Via delle Industrie 19/C, 3015 Marghera - Venezia.

Participation is free after online registration at the following link.

Continued participation is recommended as the topics dealt with during each meeting are consequential and preparatory for the next meeting.


3rd MODULE - Workshops and working groups for the development of a project idea and preparation of the proposal
Design laboratory with a real project proposal on which to build a project structure through the logical framework
Slides available at the following link.

  • From relevance to Project Logic
  • Concepts of outcome, output, activity and wp
  • Working group: the WBS / 1 logical framework column

It is also possible to consult the online version of the "European funding guide 2019-2020" at the following link.

For information

c/o Unioncamere del Veneto
via delle Industrie 19/C - Marghera (VE)
Parco Vega - Edificio Lybra

Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/11/2019 ore 11:36