25.10.2022 The Digital Transition: European Union Strategies for Innovation
On Tuesday 25 October at 4 p.m., the lecture "The Digital Transition: European Union Strategies for Innovation" was held at the Candiani Cultural Centre, Seminar Room (first floor), P.le Luigi Candiani 7, Mestre-Venice.
A recording of the meeting will soon be available on the YouTube channel of Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice.
This appointment is part of the "Cycle of meetings on the European Union" which consists of 4 lessons that can also be attended individually, all free of charge and open to citizens.
Gianluigi Cogo, freelance consultant

Via Spalti 28, 30174 Venezia Mestre
toll free number 800 496200
e- mail infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it