26-27.05.2022 Meeting online Erasmus+ Ka229 "Looking for footprints"

Thursday 26th and Friday 27th of May 2022 it was held the online meeting with students from the Istituto Comprensivo di Castelmassa (RO) which have partecipated at the project Erasmus+ Ka229 with the title "Looking for footprints".
Looking for footprints is a project which includes three main partner: Italy (Istituto Comprensivo di Castelmassa), Spain (CEIP Pintor Pedro Flores) e Portugal (Agrupamento de Escolas do Crato) which have at heart the improving of the quality of academics in the respective schools as the commitment on the internationalization towards the countries and foreign cultures.
The program has these goals:
- To know and value local and European cultural heritage and make it a
tool for the development of pupils' key competencies and the training of the
teachers involved.
- To convey to our pupils the need to contribute actively to the shaping of
a world order based on respect for the rights and freedoms of peoples and a commitment
to peace, as well as the feeling of belonging to a group: Europe.
The project involves teachers and pupils who together are studying and discovering the heritage
European cultural heritage. As envisaged by the project, some products have been produced so far that
can be used by all girls and boys around the world: a comic, board games, a
documentary video, a music video, ...
Because of the health emergency, the students' travel has been halted, but the
On May 26 and 27, Spain, Italy and Portugal came together in an online incotnent to present the joint products
made to European authorities.
Some photos from the event:

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