28.11.2024 Award Ceremony for Climate Change Contest 'Climate ChanCe 2024'- XII Edition 2024
On Thursday December, 28 2024 starting from 4.30 p.m., at the Ateneo Veneto, San Marco 1897, Campo San Fantin in Venice, the closing event of the 12th edition of the communication contest Climate ChanCe 2024 ‘Climate Crisis - The Walk’ was held.
The event was organised by Shylock Centro Universitario Teatrale di Venezia in collaboration with Ca' Foscari University and Europe Direct Venezia Veneto. The contest also had the patronage of the Foundation EuroMediterranean Centre on Climate Change CMCC, WWF Italia, Legambiente, ISDE Italy, UNESCO Italian National Commission, Sustainable Ca' Foscari.
Admission was free and open to the general public subject to availability.
Participation of:
BIANCA NARDON - Shylock Centro Universitario Teatrale di Venezia
FRANCESCA VIANELLO -Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice
LUCA MERCALLI - SMI Italian Meteorological Society
The 2024 edition of the competition reserved special, though not exclusive, attention to certain thematic aspects:
- The intergenerational relationship between the real climate emergency and insufficient government policies
- Women's empowerment between climate and social crisis. The relationship between gender equality and environmental policies.
- New collective or individual lifestyles: forms of social and environmental adaptation
- Northern Italy, land of contrasts, from economic supremacy to climate hot spot in the Po Valley, Alpine and coastal areas
- Venice: an environmental/cultural laboratory city or victim of uncontrolled speculation
- European continent: the rapid rise in temperatures compared to the planet's average
In addition, central themes of this edition were the relationship between climate-changing emissions and food, sustainable finance, the use of shop windows as spaces for ecological promotion, criticism of the world of mass media and the aesthetic representation of a symbiotic relationship with endangered ice formations.
The Competition emphasised the urgency to take action to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, as dictated by the international scientific community and the United Nations with the 2015 Paris World Conference, and through the IPCC with the 2018 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C - SR15, the AR6 Synthesis Report of March 2023, the first European Climate Risk Assessment produced by the European Environment Agency in 2024 and the European State of the Climate report (ESOTC 2023). The event recalled the evidence of worsening extreme climate events detected worldwide.
Some collective projects of Venetian associations and professionals were also presented.
This edition's selected works:
- Iceberg Care, Adam Sébire, autore australiano residente in Norvegia.
- Gli occhiali di Hugo e il pallido punto blu, Enrico Ricato. Lezione performance di un consulente finanziario sugli investimenti sostenibili.
- Climate cards - Food edition, Alice Casiraghi, ricercatrice del Politecnico di Milano (carte da gioco su alimentazione ed emissioni)
- La terra è donna, Vetrina a cura della Cooperativa Aqua Altra
- Opera fuori concorso selezionata dal comitato organizzatore “Lingue di Fuoco” di Freak of Nature (Street Art)
Special mentions:
- Botanique, opera astratta di Alessandra Gianni
- Fino all'ultima goccia, libro di Piero Malenotti
The jury for the 2024 edition consisted of:
- Sara Rattaro, writer
- Warren Cairns, CNR ISP Institute of Polar Sciences and Ca' Foscari University of Venice
- Maria Rita Gallozzi, president FSC Forest Stewardship Council Italy
- Alessandra Mazzai, CMCC Foundation EuroMediterranean Centre on Climate Change
- Mariagrazia Midulla, Climate and Energy Manager WWF Italy
- Erika Moranduzzo, Italian Climate Network
- Silvia Scardapane, INWARD Observatory on Urban Creativity
- Maria Grazia Serra, ISDE Italy, Doctors for the Environment Association
- Erica Villa, DVRI Venetian District for Research and Innovation
- Paolo Virtuani, Corriere della Sera
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it