31.05.21 Webinar "European initiatives and funds for recovery and resilience: an opportunity for Venice"



Monday, May 31 at 10:00 am there will be the webinar "European initiatives and funds for recovery and resilience: an opportunity for Venice" in collaboration with the Veneto Region and Territorial Cohesion Agency. The event is organized by the Directorate of European Policies of the City of Venice. 

Online meeting open to citizens: click here to join 

The webinar will be an opportunity to illustrate the results achieved in the European programming 2014-2020, briefly mention the characteristics of the 2021 programming2027 and discuss the opportunities for recovery and revival for the Venetian territory created with the European initiative, to counter the effects generated by the emergency COVID-19, #Nextgenerationeu.

Andrea Tomaello, Vice Mayor of the City of Venice 
Massimo Gaudina, Director of the Representation of the European Commission in Milan 
Giorgio Martini, Managing Authority of the PON Metro 2014-2020 - Agency for Territorial Cohesion
Pietro Cecchinato, Director of the Unit Programming Directorate - Managing Authority of the POR ERDF 2014-2020
Paola Ravenna, Manager of Financing Funds and Community Policies, City of Venice 

Giuseppe Settanni, Expert of programs and plans for the local economic development




The publication is available for the 2021-2017 programming and relaunch opportunities: "The EU’s 2021-2027 long-term budget & NextGenerationEU"


The Europe Direct of the City of Venice is conducting an investigation to detect the degree of satisfaction of the event Festa dell'Europa 2021.



Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/05/2021 ore 12:19