The accessible Venice Map

Last update October 2017

immagine mappa Venezia accessibile

The accessibility map of Venice city centre and islands has been produced by the Città per tutti Service in collaboration with the EBA Department for the Elimination of Architectural Barriers.

The map summarises the greatest possible amount of practical information to help those with impaired mobility visit the city.
On one side there is an indication of the degree of accessibility of the various "insulae" determined by the absence/presence of public transport lines, colour differentiating areas which are completely accessible by vaporetto (green), accessible by motoscafo or "facilitated" bridge (light green) and areas that are not accessible by means of public transport (white).

To provide the most exhaustive possible answer to the questions of tourists and citizens wanting to visit the city, the back of the map contains all information on:
- information points;
- tourist terminals (railway station, airport, port);
- car parks;
- waterborne public transport stops;
- public toilets;
- bridges with facilities (platform lift, lift or low step).


Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/02/2019 ore 16:07