Activity program for Venetian schools 2019-2020
Europe Direct Venezia Veneto, Information Service of the European Commission that operates on the Venetian territory in order to increase the acquaintance and the debate on the European thematic, in particular to young people and pupils, has prepared for the school year 2019/2020 n.9 proposals for teachers and students of the Venetian territory divided between primary, secondary and first degree schools.
Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice has as partner the MIUR - USR Regional Scholastic Office for the Veneto that promotes this program of activities 2019-2020.
Teachers can subscribe to proposals (you can subscribe to multiple proposals), by sending a confirmation email:
9 completely free proposals (you can join more proposals):
- Proposal 1: European project of exchange of Christmas decorations, exchange of Christmas decorations between primary schools and children of the European Union, to deepen the knowledge of the culture of our and other countries, integrate language, geography and history learning in other countries and facilitate relations between schools in the European Union. Participation of schools from all over Veneto.
=> in primary schools for children of the Veneto region, October-December 2019, SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRY 30 September 2019
- Proposal 1: European project of exchange of Christmas decorations, exchange of Christmas decorations between primary schools and children of the European Union, to deepen the knowledge of the culture of our and other countries, integrate language, geography and history learning in other countries and facilitate relations between schools in the European Union. Participation of schools from all over Veneto.
=> in primary schools for children of the Veneto region, October-December 2019,SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRY 30 September 2019
- Proposal 2: Educational form “GiOcaEuropa”, virtual journey through the 28 countries of the European Union, to discover the different customs and to know the foundations of European citizenship. 2 hours of cartoon and giant goose game at school (LIM classroom+gym). 2018-19.
=> in primary schools of the Municipality of Venice, January-April 2020 (date to be agreed with the schools) - Module included in the Educational Itineraries of the Municipality of Venice
- Proposal 3: “Una favola d'Europa”, animated reading of European fairy tales to discover what unites us, in collaboration with the Pantakin Theatre Company, on the occasion of the Europe Day Celebrations. See details of previous edition 2019.
Single-class membership for schools from all over Veneto.
=> Mestre, Auditorium Meme, may 2020
- Proposal 4: Playful-didactic module “In viaggio per l’Europa”, virtual journey through the 28 countries of the European Union, to discover the different customs and to know the foundations of European citizenship. 2 hours of giant Risiko game at school (in the gym). See details of the previous year 2018-19.
=> first level secondary schools of the Municipality of Venice, January-April 2020 (date to be agreed with the schools) - Module inserted in the Educational Itineraries of the Municipality of Venice
- Proposal 5: Cycle of meetings “At school of Europe”, lectures on European issues (priorities, institutions, citizenship, mobility and European elections 2019) hold by a specialised staff. See details of the previous edition 2018-2019.
=> secondary schools in Veneto, January-March 2020 (date to be agreed with schools)
- Proposal 6: participation to the competition "Let's become European citizens" individual or class with written elaboration or graphic production in collaboration with MFE European Federalist Movement (the award consists in a holiday and europeistic training at the Neumarkt Europe House - Styria - Austria at the end of July 2020). See detail edition 2018-19
=> Awarding cerimony: May 2020 in Mestre in occasion of the Europe Day Celebrations.
- Proposal 7: Conference-debate "Europe for young people" and award contest "Let's become European citizens" in collaboration with the MFE European Federalist Movement on the occasion of the Europe Day Celebrations. See detail of previous edition 2019.
=> Mestre, sede Città Metropolitana di Venezia
- Proposal 8: Educational exhibition "The mothers and founding fathers of the European Union" exhibition of 17 bilingual Italian-English self-supporting panels on the 20 visionary leaders (9 women and 11 men) that inspired the creation of the European Union. Assembly, inauguration and disassembly by Europe Direct. See detail of the previous 2018-19 edition
=> in high schools of the Veneto region, january-may 2020 (from to 2 to 3 weeks to be agreed with high chools).
- Proposal 9: Virtual educational module "The world in your pocket" a virtual lesson on transnational educational mobility with study and work opportunities abroad for high school and university students. You can consult the Virtual Educational Module - Free DVD on orientation after graduation DVD "The world in your pocket".
=>in secondary schools of the Veneto region,: it is possible to request the DVD "The world in your pocket"

For information
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
tall-free number 800 496200
Teachers can subscribe to proposals (you can subscribe to multiple proposals), by sending a confirmation email: