Animated reading of "A European fairy tale"

Animated reading of European fairy tales
9.00 e 11.00 Auditorium MeMe
Via San Donà 195/b, Mestre-Venice
Entrance reserved to schools
Thursday 16 May, at 9.00 a.m., the animated reading of "A European fairy tale" was held, based on the animated reading of European fairy tales for primary school pupils. Realized by the Pantakin Theatre Company, to highlight what unites European citizens starting from fairy tales and to increase in children respect for diversity and intercultural dialogue.
The show saw the presence of actors narrators and a musician who together led the young spectators on a journey through Europe and through the world of fairy tales making them discover how the anthropomorphic animals or the witches, the spells or the tests to be passed are a patrimony that belongs to all.
The event is the result of the collaboration between:
- Europe Direct of the City of Venice
- Pantakin Theatre Company
- Auditorium meme
"There’s something we all do, small and old, Scandinavian or Portuguese, Belgian or Hungarian: we eat! The only difference is that in Berlin there is the potato salad, in Bari the orecchiette alle cime di rapa, in France the soup of Onion, the sausages in Romania….
But there is one thing that we all do in the same way big and small, we let ourselves be enchanted by the stories. It doesn’t matter if we eat orecchiette or onion soup the stories or better the fairy tales with their imaginary world are shared by all of us."
For information
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
green number 800 496200