ED links to partners websites

mappa delle province del veneto

The network Europe Direct Venezia Veneto is constituted of the Municipality of Venice, in quality of leader of the net and of 24 partners spread in the regional territory.
Each partner hosts in its institutions known and used by the public decentralised information desks for Europe Direct, for a total of 32 spots. You can also contact these decentralised information desks (contacts available here link).
As agreed, partner websites host the link to the website Europe Direct Venezia Veneto www.comune.venezia.it/europedirect

Below the links of the websites of the 24 partners:

We kindly ask partners who have not yet activated the link to do so as soon as possible and to communicate it with an e-mail to infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/02/2020 ore 10:48