Educational form "Alice overcomes the barriers"

"Telling" disability, in particular limited mobility and visual disability, can be difficult for children. That's why the City for all office, since 2011, offers to schools the educational itinerary "Alice overcomes the barriers!".
By telling a story children can experience directly and empirically the difference between paths without architectural barriers and paths that are not accessible and unsafe.
"Alice overcomes the barriere!" is a didactic proposal for elementary schools and is divided into two parts:
- Melodramatic presentation to children of Alice's story. An intense and cheerful girl who brings the shopping every Saturday to her grandmothe,r who can not move. One day, however, a "bad trouble" happens ... .What will happen to Alice? How will she do now?
- Practical experience of children inside the school and outside in the garden, with wheelchairs and closed eyes.
The aim of the didactic proposal is to highlight, through the game, the difficulties that pupils can face inside and outside the school, not only as citizens in a city that is not suitable for children, but also as citizens with disabilities, that sometimes can be temporary. The experience in the classroom is an opportunity to talk with children about culture, integration and participation while respecting everybody's rights.
The preferential target are all primary school classes.
The activity is proposed to primary schools of the Venetian territory through the Educational Itineraries of the City of Venice.