EU Documentation the portal of the European Union is the EU portal in which it is possible to access all information disseminated via the Internet by EU institutions and bodies.

Official Journal of the European Union
The Official Journal of the European Union (OJ) is the only publication appearing every day in all the official languages of the European Union. It is divided into two series linked together L (Legislation) and C (Communications and information) and a supplement S (public procurement notices).

EUR-Lex offers direct and free access to EU law. It contains, in addition to the Official Journal, the current legislation, treaties, parliamentary questions, and documents of public interest.

Summaries of EU legislation
"Summaries of EU legislation" is a website that presents the main aspects of EU legislation in a concise and simple manner. The database contains about 3000 summaries of European legislation divided into thematic areas.

PreLex is a database of the European Commission that allows you to follow the different stages of the interinstitutional process of all the proposals and communications sent by the European Commission to the other institutions.
N-Lex Access to sources of national law. Each EU Member State has its own legal system, but it is also bound by international and EU law. You can view the laws of each country in the respective national database: almost all are accessible from N-Lex.
TED Tender Eletronic Daily
TED Tenders Electronic Daily is the online version of the supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union dedicated to European public procurement. ED allows free access to the opportunities offered to businesses in the European Union, the European Economic Area and elsewhere.

EU Bookshop
It is an on-line service that provides citizens and businesses with a single point of access to the various publications of the institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union, published and / or cataloged by the Publications Office.
CORDIS (COmmunity Research and Development Information Service) is the Community's research and development information service. CORDIS is the main public portal and archive of the European Commission for the dissemination of information on EU-funded research projects and their results in the broadest sense.