Exhibition "The founding Mothers and Fathers of the European Union" - Museum of Rural Civilization in Riva di Vallarsa (TN)

Sunday August 18th 2019 at 6.00 pm the inauguration of the Exhibition "The founding Mothers and Fathers of the European Union" was held at the Museum of Rural Civilization Riva di Vallarsa (TN) thanks to the special collaboration between the Europe Direct offices Venice Veneto and Europe Direct Trentino. The exhibition can be visited at the headquarters of the Museum of Rural Civilization in Riva di Vallarsa (Frazione Riva 38060 Riva TN) from August 18th 2019 to September 7th 2019, from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 am to 12am and from 3.30 pm to 7pm.
The exhibition was extended until October 5th 2019 for school groups.
The inauguration was attended by the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Vallarsa, Martini Ornella, the President of the Museum of Rural Life in Riva di Vallarsa, Martini Aldina, together with the Head of Europe Direct Trentino, Giancarlo Osingher, on behalf of Europe Direct Venice Veneto, and the President of the ANPI (National Association of Italian Partisans) section Rovereto, Mara Rossi.
Press review:
Museum Website
L'Adige - Newspaper article
- founding mothers:
Sofia Corradi,
Fausta Deshormes La Valle,
Maria De Unterrichter,
Ursula Hirschmann,
Ada Rossi,
Sophie Scholl,
Eliane Vogel-Polsky,
Louise Weiss,
Simone Veil.
- the founding fathers:
Konrad Adenauer,
Joseph Bech,
Johan Willem Beyen,
Winston Churchill,
Alcide De Gasperi,
Walter Hallstein,
Sicco Mansholt,
Jean Monnet,
Robert Schuman,
Paul-Henri Spaak,
Altiero Spinelli.
9 am - 12 am / 3.30 pm - 7 pm from Tuesday to Sunday
Museum of Rural Civilization in Riva di Vallarsa
Municipality of Vallarsa, Trentino

toll free number 800 496200
fax 041 2748182