"A flag for Europe" for the citizenship

On the occasion of "Primavera dell'Europa" (Spring of Europe), a series of events coordinated at national level and promoted by the European Commission Representation in Italy, the Municipality of Venice promoted the "A flag for Europe" initiative. The Administration takes this opportunity to stimulate active citizenship and raise citizens' awareness for the upcoming European elections on 26th May 2019.

The European flag, symbol of the union and sharing of the values of democracy, will be delivered in schools and citizenship between 18th and 29th March 2019.

The Europe Direct office Venice Veneto intends to promote the spirit of active participation of citizens by delivering the European flag free of charge (until stocks are exhausted) in its new municipal headquarter in via Spalti 28. Citizens are invited to exhibit it and post some photos or videos in their social profiles of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, using the hashtag #EuropeDirectVenezia and tagging the Europe Direct social profiles. Alternatively, the photos can be sent to infoeruopa@comune.venezia.it or via Whatsapp at 3458358360

Citizens participating in this initiative will also receive a tribute on the occasion of Europe Day, to be held on Wednesday 22th May at 16.00 at the Dante d'Essai Cinema.

On this occasion, the office celebrates its 20 years of presence in the Municipality of Venice by collaborating for the realization of these initiatives with the aim of stimulating active participation, also on social media, and making citizens aware of their responsibilities as Italian and European citizens.

The full text is available at the following link.

For further information

Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice

via Spalti 28, 30174 Venezia Mestre
On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00 am to 1.00 am.
Tuesdays also from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm

Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - Venezia
On Thursday from 9.00 am alle 1.00 am

green number 800 496200
fax 041 2748182

Ultimo aggiornamento: 02/04/2019 ore 14:21