Monitoring Committee of the PON Metropolitan Cities 2014-2020

At 9.30, at the Sala delle Colonne of Ca 'Giustinian, San Marco 1364 - Venice, the Monitoring Committee of the PON Metropolitan Cities 2014-2020 was held, aimed at assessing the implementation of the Program in the achievement of its purposes. The working day, reserved for employees, is an important moment that annually compares the European Commission, the Managing Authority, the institutional partners, the cities and the socio-economic partnership.
PON Metro Venice
Thanks to the PON Metro, the city of Venice has a total of 40.218.000,00 euros of resources, which includes 6% of bonuses that will be made available only if the objectives set for 2018 are achieved. The strategy underlying the Plan Operative of the city foresees the idea of a development centered on a plural and sustainable metropolitan city dimension in which a direct and active participation of the citizens is expected. Among the priority purposes there is the improvement of mobility for residents and city users, and support for the weaker citizenship through the activation of inclusive services.
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Europe Direct - Comune di Venezia
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