Online seminar “The added vaue of eTwinning and Erasmus+ for remote schools"
On Tuesday 23 february 2022 from 16.00 to 18.00 the online seminar "The added value of eTwinning and Erasmus+ for remote schools" was held, a regional eTwinning Veneto online meeting, organised by the Vento Regional School Office in collaboration with Europe Direct of the City of Venice, partenr of the Veneto network, on the occasion of the closure of the educational activities provided for by the regional eTwinning planning 2019-2022.
During the seminar some good practices related to eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects were presented, with a focus on the great importance of the platform which has made all schools "remote" due to the pandemic and the consequent physical distancing and online teaching, not only for schools located in decentralized zones, such as mountains or small island schools, but also for schools in urban areas.
16:00-16:05 Daniele Storti - School principal I.I.S. Giorgi-Fermi of Treviso: Institutional greetings and introduction
16:05-16:15 Francesca Vianello – Director Europe Direct of the City of Venice: the Europe Direct network for schools
16:15-16:25 Giuseppe Vanazzi – Superintendency of studies autonomous region Valle d'Aosta: "eTwinning and Erasmus+ for mountain and border schools"
16:25-16:40 Iola de Monte e Diego Polese – Award EU Innovative Teaching Award 2021: “Erasmus+ project ‘Connected Housing’ – EITA award 2021 cat. VET”
16:40-16:50 Stefania Imperiale - Professor IIS “E. Majorana – E. Corner” of Mirano (VE) and Rosanna Bastianello, Alessia Lazzari –professors IIS “L. Da Vinci” of Arzignano (VI): “FRANKestein“ – eTwinning national award - upper secondary school
16:50-17:00 Silvia Sollano - Ambassador eTwinning: “échanger en français, c’est une chance!” - National award eTwinning – lower secondary school
17:00-17:10 Maria Carla Italia – Coordinator Project Erasmus+ Green SEEDS: “Toolkit Green SEEDS for remote schools”
17:10-17:15 Giuseppina Cannella e Giuseppina Mangione – Researchers INDIRE: “The movement of small schools”
17:15-17:30 Alice Dalle e Nicolò Vedovi – Professors Partner school Green SEEDS: “Cooperate with eTwinning and Erasmus+ between remote schools and city schools"
17:40-17:50 Alessandra Poltronieri - Ambassador eTwinning: ”Enjoy Coding” - National award eTwinning - primary school
17:50-18:00 Francesca Favino - Institutional representative eTwinning USR Veneto: regional competition award “Draw the eTwinning Veneto logo!"
18:00 Closure

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Revisione dei contenuti: 28/03/2022