European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS) s.y. 2024-2025
Check out the hashtags #EPAS and #TheFutureIsYours to follow all the activities.
EPAS - The programme
The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS) aims at increasing high school students’ awareness of European parliamentary democracy, the role of the European Parliament and European values. It also encourages them to actively participate in EU democratic processes. It targets students with diverse educational, social and geographical backgrounds.
Moreover, the program intends to encourage the interaction between students and Members of the EU Parliament and to give useful information to young people about education, internships, and work. The Schools Ambassadors network encourages also relations with schools from other European countries.
The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme EPAS involves schools from all over Europe and it consists in an annual educational programme. At the end of each school year, the activities carried out by schools are evaluated. On the successful completion of the programme, schools are certified as an Ambassador School, while their Senior and Junior Ambassadors receive certificates in ceremonies organised by the local European Parliament Liaison Offices, very often in the presence of Members of the European Parliament, national and local authorities and partners.
Teachers and students of Ambassador Schools may also be given the possibility to participate in Euroscola sessions in Strasbourg or other events organised by the European Parliament in the Member States and Brussels or Strasbourg.
Furthermore, schools will be able to visit the new centre “Europea Experience - David Sassoli” in Rome to get to know the steps of the European legislative process by playing the role of MEPs. The "Europa Experience" centres, which are open in several European capital cities, give the opportunity to millions of visitors to immerse themselves in an interactive journey through Europe to discover its institutions, the functioning of European democracy and to strenghten the sense of European citizenship.
We want Italian students to benefit of this interactive space as much as possible. For this reason, schools will have the opportunity to book guided tours, to join to the interactive simulation of the work of MEPs, to use the conference room for events about European topics.

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