School Orientation Fairs in Veneto 2022

The Europe Direct Venezia Veneto is committed to supporting young people in lower and upper secondary schools in their choices for the future. This is why we are present, thanks also to our Veneto sub-network partners, at the orientation fairs in Veneto to provide information on training, work and mobility opportunities that young people can access through the European networks.

The orientation fairs in Veneto:


Fuori di Banco 2022 - Venice 
from 25 to 29 October 2022  
at Forte Marghera, via Forte Marghera, 30 - Mestre-Venice

Some photos of the Fairs 2022:


For further information:

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
toll-free number 800 496200

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14/11/2022 ore 10:08