"A trip around Europe" module for Venetian high schools 2021

Explaining the European Union and its institutions to citizens, and in particular to young people, is often a difficult task. There is therefore a need for an overall strategy aimed at achieving the European dimension of education in terms of values and knowledge as a continuous process of interaction, the basis of which is respect for pluralism and diversity as a heritage and wealth of the peoples of Europe.

The didactic proposal "A trip around Europe" conceived and realized by the Europe Direct service since 2007 for high schools, is divided into two parts:
- Presentation and conduct of the game "A trip around Europe", in which children travel virtually in the European Union engaging with questions on the culture, history, geography, sport of the different member states. In the gym or in the lecture hall or, due to the COVID pandemic, online.
- Class meeting at which a moment of reflection is proposed on the process of European unification, on the motto of the European Union "United in diversity" and on the institutions and symbols of the Union.

"A trip around Europe" is a team game for high schools that consists of a quiz on the culture of the Member States and that is concretized in the preparation of a large carpet-puzzle in foam that represents the 27 countries of the European Union on which the students move. The game " A trip around Europe" represents a virtual journey through the countries of the European Union to understand the deepest values that unite the peoples of Europe and that constitute the basis for the formation of a consciousness of "European citizen"and thereby facilitate the integration process.
The aim of the educational proposal is, through fun, to know the other European nations with their cultural identities in comparison, to discover the uses and customs of the different European peoples, to deepen the meaning which take on the concepts of social integration and European citizenship.

The main targets are the II and III classes of first grade secondary schools. In the high schools of the City of Venice are cyclically scheduled meetings in the period January-April according to the schedule agreed with the School Office of the City of Venice.  

Calendario degli incontri:
  • Wednesday, 24 February 2021: SCUOLA SECONDARIA DI PRIMO GRADO "DI VITTORIO" - MESTRE VENEZIA - Evento virtuale
  • Thursday, 25 February 2021: SCUOLA SECONDARIA DI PRIMO GRADO "CALAMANDREI" - MESTRE VENEZIA - Evento virtuale
  • Friday, 12 March: SCUOLA SECONDARIA DI PRIMO GRADO "CERVI" - MESTRE VENEZIA  - Evento virtuale


If you are a primary or secondary school pupil, this site offers games, competitions and interactive books to discover the EU in a fun way, both in the classroom and at home. There is also a lot of information on how to study or volunteer abroad.

If you are a teacher and want to help your students get to know the EU and learn how it works, on this site you will find teaching materials for all age groups. In addition to ideas for lessons, you can discover opportunities to create networks with other schools and teachers across Europe.


For more info:

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, 30174 Venezia Mestre 


Ultimo aggiornamento: 26/03/2021 ore 10:18