15.10.2018 Climate Change Contest - 2018 Edition

Locandina evento


CLIMATE CHANGE - The Grand Challenge

It is possible to subscribe to the international communication and creativity contest "Climate change 2018", the sixth edition, where you can submit projects about climate change. Contest deadline October 15th 2018.

The contest is organized by the Shylock University Theater Center of Venice, in collaboration with Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Europe Direct in Venice and with the sponsorship of the Ministry for the Environment, Protection of the Territory and Sea, of the CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, WWF Italy, Legambiente and ISDE Italia - Doctors for the Environment.
The purpose is to encourage a functional approach to environmental issues. Recall to the 2020 Strategy, in particular Sustainable Europe pillar.


The initiative aims to stimulate the design and creation of communication and artistic tools concerning climate change topics, enhancing a constructive and proactive approach in line with the deepening of the basic knowledge of the latest international reports on the topic.

The target of the contest are all the authors of any nationality who are 15 years old at the deadline. Both individual authors as well as collective or formal bodies can apply

Type of projects:
- Unreleased writing works: texts of any kind, in Italian. Maximum length limits are provided.
- Other types of works and projects: unreleased works and projects of creative communication realized with diverse techniques and expressive methods.

The works must be sent by e-mail to concorso@cut.it within the Midnight on October 15th 2018.
The award ceremony will take place on Friday, November 30, 2018 in Venice with the presentation of the creative works and the authors selected.

In case of participation we recommend the reading of the complete announcement.

The 2017 edition had a great success with about 150 participants and many works presented (several participants presented more than one project/work), from EU Member States but also from Ukraine, China, Egypt, Azerbaijan, etc.

Complete info: www.cut.it or www.unive.it/cambiamenticlimatici

For information:
City of Venice
Ca 'Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - 30124 Venice
green number 800 496200
fax 041 2748182


Ultimo aggiornamento: 24/01/2019 ore 09:55