18-29.03.2019 - Spring of Europe


From the 18th to the 29th of March the European Commission's Representation in Italy launches the "Spring of Europe" initiative: a series of events in secondary schools, universities and cities, with the aim of bringing Europe to the citizens, especially the younger ones, and promote their active participation in the democratic life of the Union.

The "Spring of Europe" initiative will take place throughout Italy with the active participation of the European "antennas" at the local level, namely the Europe Direct Information Centers (EDIC), the European Documentation Centers (CDE) and the Eurodesk network for young people, in collaboration with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Italy. In particular, during the week there will be debates in schools, meetings in universities and public events.

-Debates in schools

In hundreds of Italian schools, in collaboration with the Eurodesk Italy and EDIC networks, short debates will be organized for students in the 4th and 5th year of high schools, led by a team of "young ambassadors" (former Erasmus students, young volunteers, members of youth associations, etc.). These debates will deal with Europe's achievements, current challenges and opportunities for young people. The discussions will have no party or political characterization.

In addition to the 100 schools already involved, interested individual institutions will have the possibility to join the initiative on a voluntary basis, through the nearest Europe Direct centers.

The list of participating events and schools is available on the website www.primaveradelleuropa.eu (link is external) coordinated by the Eurodesk-Italy network.

- Meetings in universities

During this period, incribed in the network project of the European Documentation Centers (CDE), several italian universities and libraries will host public events and meetings to promote the participation of young people to the upcoming European elections and to inform people about the main European policies.

-Public events

As part of the "Spring of Europe", public events will be organized locally around Europe by the Europe Direct Information Centers. The events will aim at the stimulation of informed debates on the main European policies, the upcoming important electoral deadlines while refreshing the founding values and symbols of the Union. 

- FAI Spring Days

The "Spring of Europe" will also be present at the FAI Days (the 23rd and 24th of March). Over thirty sites of cultural or environmental importance, beneficiaries in various capacities of European funds, will be open to the public to witness and promote EU actions aimed at protecting, restoring and enhancing the Italian cultural heritage.

Further information is available on the website European Commission's Representation in Italy

For further information:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - Venice
green number 800 496200
fax 041 2748182
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/04/2019 ore 13:12