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Stories of students on European mobility
12.30-14.00 Ristorante universitario "Rio Novo"
Fondamenta del Rio Novo 3647, Venice
Entrance reserved to canteen consumers
On Thursday 9 May 2019 from 12.30 at the university dining hall of Rio Novo ESU (Fondamenta del Rio Novo 3647, Venice) was held the EUROPEAN LUNCH TIME HAPPENING, Stories of students on European mobility, a community reading 'tasted' between travel atmospheres, intercultural exchanges and musical suggestions.
The project is the result of the collaboration between
Europe Direct of the City of Venice, the
ESU of Venice and the
Shylock University Theater Center of Venice and is developed through an expressive workshop that involves the students of the Venetian universities to create an interaction in the cafeteria, an implicit place full of crossings and intercultural sharing.
The dining hall of Mensa Universitaria prepared a nice European menu inspired by classic recipes from European countries: spanish paella, hungarian porkolt, ratatouille, Lyon's potatoes and fruit cake for desert.
Testimonials of European students in mobility, intertwined with different types of texts about nutrition and its importance in the community, are linked in the form of reading and improvisation by musical and visual suggestions, in order to involve in a new way the university public during the meal context.The reading-happening includes the original elaboration of some poems, also taken from the testimonies of Erasmus students, in music and singing form.
Photos of the dining hall:

For further information
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Numero verde gratuito 800 496200
Ultimo aggiornamento: 03/06/2019 ore 15:53