Commemorations of the Day of Rememberance 2020
On the occasion of the commemorations of Memorial Day 2019, Europe Direct Venice Veneto in collaboration with the General Program of the Municipality of Venice for the following activities:
- 7-15 January photo exhibition "Gli ebrei stranieri di Asolo"
- 15 January presentation of the novel "Messaggi in bottiglia - Ebrei stranieri ad Asolo"
- 15 January inauguration of the exhibition "Viaggio nella memoria: Binario 21"
- 18 January meeting "Solo una parola - La forma dell'antisemitismo di ieri e di oggi"
- 29 January screening of the movie "Gli Invisibili" by Claus Raefle
- 3 February readings regarding the exhibition "Stolen Memory"
- 5 February presentation of the novel "Maddalena ha gli occhi viola"

The event was organised by: Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia, in collaboration with Vittorio Zaglia, author of the novel "Messaggi in bottiglia - Ebrei stranieri ad Asolo"
Free entrance, reservation required:
Phone: 041.3190860

The evend was organised by: Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia, in collaboration with Vittorio Zaglia, author of the novel.
Free entrance by reservation:
- Wednesday 15 January at 10:00 at San Leonardo, Cannaregio 1584 in Venice took place the inauguration of the exhibition "Viaggio nella memoria: Binario 21".
Ermelinda Damiano, President of Venice Municipal Council
Margherita Mannino, the actress who represented, with the first part of her theatrical work "Finchè la mia stella brillerà", the childhood of Liliana Segre, main character of the exhibition.
Luisella Pavan-Wolfe,director of the Office in Venice of the Council of Europe and Marina Scarpa Campos, Vice-President of the Association "Figli della Shoah".
Musical performance of Cecilia Vendrasco
The exhibition was opened until 24 January with the following schedule:
From Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 17.30
Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 13.00
Free entrance
- Saturday 18 January at 18.30 at sala San Leonardo, Cannaregio 1584 in Venice took place the meeting "Solo una parola - la forma dell'antisemitismo di ieri e di oggi" with Matteo Corradini
Matteo Corradini, Hebraist writer Luisella Pavan-Wolfe, director of the Office in Venice of the Council of Europe
Marina Scarpa Campos, Vice-President of the Association Figli della Shoah
Following, guided tour of the exhibition "Viaggio nella memoria: Binario 21".
Free entrance by registration:
Phone : 041.3190860
- Wednesday 29 January at 16:30 at Cinema Dante d'Essai in Via Sernaglia 10 in Mestre (VE), took place the screening of the movie "Gli Invisibili" by Claus Raefle with the testimony of Olga Neerman.
World War II. Berlin is the political center of the conflict that is overwhelming world. Its inhabitants are victims of bombing and the Berlin Jews are experiencing the drama of deportations. A group of young Jews, made up of four teenagers, manages to hide in an apartment, avoiding raids. Each of them works on the boycott of the Nazi system, participating in a secret and unstoppable form of resistance. "Gli invisibili" is inspired by a true story: the young Jews who survived the conflict, tell in the film the atrocities experienced personally.
Watch the trailer of the movie
Luisella Pavan-Wolfe, director of the Office in Venice of the Council of Europe
Marina Scarpa Campos, Vice-President of the Association "Figli della Shoah"
Silvano Sguoto Cinema Dante
Michelangelo Morello Quarta Parete-Venezia
Organised by: Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia, in collaboration with Associazione Figli della Shoah, Cinema Dante, Europe Direct Venezia.
Free admission until availability
For further information contact
- Monday 3 February at 11.00 at aula Baratto of Ca'Foscari University, Dorsoduro 3246, Venice, took place the lesson "Il campo di Fossoli: da campo di internamento a Villaggio San Marco" during the exhibition " #StolenMemory - Gli Internati Militari Italiani: memoria, diritti violati, risarcimenti" cured by Marzia Luppi, Director of the foundation ex campo Fossoli.
Introduced by Luisella Pavan-Wolfe, director of the Venice Office of the Council of Europe and Sara De Vido, professor at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
Following, guided tour of the exhibition
Organised by: Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia, in collaboration with Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Free entrance, reservation recommended:
telefono: 041.3190860
- Wednesday 5 February at 17.00 at the Office of the Council of Europe, S. Marco 180/c - Venice, takes place the presentation of the book "Maddalena ha gli occhi viola" as part of the Memorial Day 2020 commemorations.
Introduced by Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, director of the Venice Office of the Council of Europe and Alessandro Cuk, president of the "Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia", Committee of Venice.
Lecturer: Rosanna Turcinovich Giuricin, author of the book.
Organised by: Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia, in collaboration with Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia.
Free entrance by registration: 041.3190860
Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
toll free number 800 496200