"In marcia per la pace" - Marching for peace
On Saturday 9th May 2020 at 6 pm the event "In Marcia per la Pace - Marching for peace" was held, a live webinar on Facebook organized by Associazioni per la pace della Città Metropolitana di Venezia.
You can watch the video on Fecebook at the following link.
The event was part of the official program "Padova capitale europea del volontariato 2020".
Program of the event:
6.00 pm - opening greeting and rememberance of Antonio Megalizzi
6.10 pm - interviews to Giorgio Beretta and Michele Dotti
6.40 pm - videoparty with projection of the documentary "Storia di una pallottola"
7.15 pm - post bombing
What does it mean to be the Europen Capital for volunteering?
The contest to become the European Capital for volunteering has been announced by CEV - European Center of Volunteering since 2013 and it aims at promoting volunteering at local level, giving recognition to the cities that support and strengthen the partnership with volunteering centers and organisations involving volunteers and promote volunteering and its influence on the territory.
CEV ideantifies as main elements to select the Capital the priorities outlines in 2011 through the P.A.V.E. document – Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe.
In the patrol carried out by the city of Padua for the citizenship, all these aspects result to be taken into consideration and developed, even though some are still in their early stages and CEV recognised them as in phase of evalutaion.
Padova Capitale Europea del Volontariato
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Free telephone number 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it