Europe Day 2020 Celebration in Venice
The event aims to celebrate the two most significant historical dates for Europe:
- 5 May 1949: founding of the Council of Europe by the Treaty of London
- 9 May 1950: Birth of the European Union with the "Schuman Declaration" on the occasion of the Paris speech (click here to learn more)
The date of the event is significant since 9 May is Europe Day. 2020 marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. Indeed, on 9 May 1950, a few years after the end of the Second World War which had devastated the old continent, Robert Schuman, the French Government’s Foreign Minister, presented the proposal to create an organized Europe, indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations between the States which composed it. The proposal, known as the "Schuman Declaration", is considered the European Union’s birth certificate. Around this symbolic date every year we celebrate Europe Day with the organisation of various events by the European institutions and the Member States.
More about General Europe Day.
In compliance with the rules of containment, the scheduled events were divided into two periods May and October, focusing on May events translated into virtual activities and in October events that provide for the physical presence of the citizen.
Festa dell'Europa a Venezia - Edition October 2020
Festa dell'Europa a Venezia - Edition May 2020
From 5 to 31 May 2020 "The future of Europe, the Europe of the future" was held in the heart of Venice to celebrate the Feast of Europe, now in its eighth edition. Despite the Covid-19 emergency, this edition of Europe Day has not stopped and has become a virtual mode, a sign of the European nature and resilience of the City of Venice and of the partners who have always collaborated with it.
- 15 virtual events actually followed live by about 100 people each and 8 online initiatives available throughout the month of May (3000 consecutive views of video recordings placed online)
- Massive social coverage: 104 facebook posts and events, 133 Instagram, 90 twitter
- 11,000 views of Facebook posts and events with thousands of interactions between comments, likes and shares (plus 10,000 views from the Council of Europe’s Facebook page in Venice)
- 29,000 views of tweets on Twitter with a hundred shares
- 12,000 views of Instagram posts with 1000 interactions between comments and likes
- municipal website: 20 pages of the Festival section updated
- 30 local, national and European partners who are cooperating in every practical way
To more info go to de the detail of the events in May 2020 see the page dedicated
- Consiglio d'Europa - Ufficio di Venezia
- Parlamento europeo - Ufficio a Milano
- Commissione europea - Rappresentanza in Italia
- Città metropolitana di Venezia
- MFE - Movimento Federalista Europeo
- Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- Cestudir - Centro Studi sui Diritti Umani
- Venice International University
- MIUR Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Veneto
- Eurodesk Italy

Some photos of the event:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
telefono 345 8358360 (nel periodo di smart-working)