26-27.09.2020 - European Heritage Days 2020
Among the several initiatives organized on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, on 26th and 27th September 2020 the heritage walks initiatives took place in Italy, particularly in Veneto, according to the Faro Convention’s framework.
The press conference about the event was held on Wednesday 23 September at 11.00 at the headquarters of the Council of Europe - Procuratie Vecchie - San Marco 180c - Venice, in compliance with anti-COVID regulations.
Heritage walks, an initiative promoted since 1991 by the Council of Europe and the European Union to enhance and encourage exchange and dialogue in the cultural field. For an entire weekend in September citizenship could enjoy the cultural heritage of the 50 members of the European Heritage Convention free of charge, encouraging them to actively participate for its protection and transmission to new generations. Each year a different theme is chosen, which may concern specific aspects of heritage, defined historical periods or the relationship between society and heritage.
The theme of the 2020 edition was titled "Learning for Life" to recall the benefits that derive from cultural experience and the transmission of knowledge in modern society.
The proposal, in fact, is to reflect on the role that education has had, and continues to have, in the flow of information, knowledge and skills handed down to the new generations, and on the value that traditional knowledge can assume in relation to the unprecedented challenges of the present and the growing importance of modern technology. This is possible taking into account both the intrinsically specific elements of the different territorial contexts and the importance that knowledge, traditions, local experiences have had, at various levels, in the creation of a recognized and shared cultural heritage.
Within this framework, cultural places are called to play a leading role, since they represent the historical-artistic heritage, vehicle of past knowledge, reflection on current events, and inspiration for the future. The initiatives proposed by museums are therefore particularly relevant since they focus on a shared path with communities and the bodies that preserve local traditions and knowledge. Similarly, the activities organized with schools and universities, aimed at building a new museum history that considers the current educational needs and, at the same time, the demands of knowledge expressed by the new generations.
These heritage walks are proposed by many Italian associations and institutions, in particular from Veneto and Venice. We are talking about special thematic tours - different from the traditional guided itinerary - that implement the right to cultural heritage specified in the Faro Convention, and allow participants to discover and/or rediscover a territory through the eyes and voices of those who live in it, the "witnesses". Since they are directly created by inhabitants, and local associations and institutions, they favor a deeper understanding of its cultural heritage for the benefit of its enhancement and transmission to future generations.
The walks are organized under the coordination of the Venice Office of the Council of Europe, the only office in Italy, in collaboration with Europe Direct of the city of Venice.
To view the complete program and register for the Heritage Days initiatives, you can consult the website of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities in Italy and the website of the Venice Office of the Council of Europe
Heritage Walks Program 2020 in Veneto:
64. Visita al palazzo Franceschini Folco di Vicenza—Club for UNESCO Vicenza, Provincia di Vicenza (VI)
65. Alla ricerca delle scarpe narranti—Comune di Arzergrande (PD)
66. L'anima della terra, le cave dipinte, abitate tra natura ferita ed immaginazione—Arti Rappresentazione (VI)
67. Trezze, un Borgo che resiste— Comune di Quarto d’Altino (VE)
68. Dove e come imparare? Spazi di insegnamento del '900—Comune di Padova (PD)
69. Cultura & Colture: Le terre di bonifica tra Pontecasale e Candiana—Comune di Candiana (PD)
70. Cultura & Cura: La Gastaldia di Cona a Frapiero, casa comune per la crescita economica—Comune Agna (PD)
71. Cultura & Consumo: La Corte Papafava e l'economia circolare— Comune di Arre (PD)
72. Tra carte e storie: l'archivio storico Comunale di Sommacampagna—Comune di Sommacampagna (VR)
73. L’Ossario di Custoza all’origine della didattica della storia—Comune di Sommacampagna (VR)
74. La biblioteca, uno scrigno di memorie—Associazione Gioiosa et Amorosa (TV)
75. Dopo le fabbriche. Passeggiata nei luoghi della riconversione industriale alla Giudecca—Iveser (VE)
76. Imparare Venezia a naso in su e a naso in giù—Wigwam (VE)
77. Imparare i grani antichi della Laguna all’Isola di Sant’Erasmo—Wigwam (VE)
78. Imparare le maree della Laguna, alla scoperta dell’acqua alta—Wigwam (VE)
79. Imparare la resilienza con gli orti, il miracolo fragile de Il Presidio—Wigwam (PD)
80. Imparare le nostre origini, in bicicletta per Ponte San Nicolò—Wigwam (PD)
81. Imparare il book crossing a Busa e a Peraga di Vigonza—Wigwam (PD)
82. Imparare in ciclogiro le chiese e campi dei luoghi Benedettini di Legnaro—Wigwam (PD)
83. Imparare in ciclogiro le terre dell’Abate di Santa Giustina a Polverara—Wigwam (PD)
84. Imparare la Saccisica, in bicicletta alla riscoperta del territorio—Wigwam (PD)
85. Imparare la dignità dell’abito al Museo Storico del Bottone—Wigwam (PD)
86. Imparare il cammino interiore, passo dopo passo al bel Cristo di Arzerello—Wigwam (PD)
87. Imparare a recuperare l’arte del ricamo in solidarietà—Wigwam (PD)
88. Imparare a preservare il patrimonio giovanile dal cyberbullismo—Wigwam (PD)
89. Imparare la Saccisica, dal Cristo SS Crocifisso al Cristo di Arzerello—Wigwam (PD)
90. Imparare a pulire i fiumi, giornata ecologica “World Clean Up”—Wigwam (PD)
91. Imparare il sistema delle fattorie Benedettine di Correzzola—Wigwam (PD)
92. Imparare i Patriarcati, in bicicletta alla riscoperta del territorio—Wigwam (PD)
93. Imparare natura, tradizioni e storie a Villa Petrobelli di Maserà—Wigwam (PD)
94. Imparare la storia con un pic-nic a Villa Beatrice d’Este—Wigwam (PD)
95. Imparare il Polesine e il Delta del Po, la Mesopotamia d’Italia—Wigwam (RO)
96. Imparare la solidarietà concreta a Casa insieme di Thiene—Wigwam (VI)
97. Imparare la storia della ciclovia Ostiglia-Treviso a Cologna Veneta—Wigwam (VR)
98. Imparare i boschi planiziali della Media Pianura Veronese—Wigwam (VR)
99. Imparare i luoghi dell’infanzia di Papa Sarto – San Pio X—Wigwam (TV)
100. Riscoprendo S. Felice—Comitato Forte S. Felice (VE)
101. Imparare il passato, esposizione Paleoveneta e Romana—Wigwam (VE)

MiBAC : https://www.beniculturali.it/
Comune di Venezia : http://www.comune.venezia.it
Portale delle Giornate europee del patrimonio: www.europeanheritagedays.com
Consiglio d’Europa: European Heritage Days
Commissione europea: European Heritage Days
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EHDays
Twitter: @JEP_EHD #EHDs
Instagram: @europeanheritagedays #EHDs #JEP
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it