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6.11.2020 Meeting "The European Convention on Human Rights 70 years later: a living tool"

Friday, 6 November 2020 at 2.30 pm the webinar "The European Convention on Human Rights 70 years later: a living tool" was held via Zoom.
=> In compliance with COVID-19 restrictions, the event took place online at this link (Meeting ID: 813 0563 1198 - Passcode: y * 4 * i?)
=> Facebook Live Video available at the Council of Europe Venice Office page
Institutional greetings
Fabrizio Marrella - Vice-rector of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Federico Cappelletti - Venice Bar Assosiation
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe - Director of the Council of Europe Venice Office
Giudice Guido Raimondi - Former President of the European Court of Human Rights
Giudice Raffaele Sabato - Judge at the European Court of Human Rights
Andrea Saccucci - Lawyer, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Ivana Padoan - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Sara De Vido - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Fabrizio Marrella - Vice-rector of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Participation of the public audience
A few pictures of the event:

Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/11/2020 ore 12:49