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Universal Civil Service - Europe Direct Call

Call for the selection of 46,891 volunteer operators to be employed in projects related to Universal Civil Service intervention programmes to be carried out in Italy, abroad and in the territories of the regions affected by the National Operational Programme- Youth Employment Initiative.
=> In order to encourage the widest participation of young people in the call, the deadline for submitting applications is extended, for all available places, at 14.00 on Wednesday 17 February 2021.

There are 86 places made available by the City of Venice as part of the call for the 2021 Universal Civil Service that seeks young people, both sexes, between 18 and 29 years old, Italian, EU and non-EU citizens (in accordance with the residence permit).

The projects that the City of Venice will start in 2021 are 14: four in the field of assistance to vulnerable people, five in education (especially for minors, adolescents and young people), three in culture (museums, archives or libraries), two of the Environment and Civil Protection: last 12 months, with a commitment of 25 hours per week and a monthly allowance of 439.50 euros.
The volunteer operators will also be able to take part in two training courses: a general one concerning the values of the Civil Service and a specific training, relating to the activities that the volunteer operator will carry out during the year.
The projects, new this year, are grouped into three "intervention programmes" that participate in the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030: "Quality education", "Reduce inequalities",
"Sustainable cities and communities".
The locations involved will not only be those municipalities: part of the 86 volunteers will be sent to partner institutions of the City, such as the Civic Museums Foundation, the Biennale, the Foundation Querini Stampalia, the University Pastoral, the Opera Santa Maria della Carità, IPAV and the Agape Onlus Association.
The Civil Service therefore also becomes an opportunity to experiment and train in different and stimulating working environments; it is also recognized in terms of university credits.
There are plans to deepen the various themes regarding the projects. To participate and have more information about these meetings you can write to the e-mail: or follow the event by clicking
Here is the calendar:

Programme of the project: Venice City of inclusion, animation, paths of citizenship and cultural exchanges
Area of Intervention: Education and Cultural Promotion
Duration: 12 MONTHS - 5 days a week for a mountain annual hours: 1145
Places available: total 4 beds, no board and accommodation
Objective of the project: to develop and promote cultural, information and exchange initiatives to develop in young people their citizenship, that is, the sense of belonging to communities of life, from the student community to the Venetian territorial community to the European community. Initiatives in which to seize the opportunities offered by such memberships but also to take responsibility, developing a capacity for dialogue in diversity, to contribute to the spread of an inclusive and non-violent culture.
To see the details of the project click here
=> To encourage the wider participation of young people in the call, the deadline for submitting applications is extended to 14.00 on Monday 15 February 2021.

More info at:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
Ultimo aggiornamento: 01/03/2021 ore 09:27