13.04.2021 - "Ambassador School Programme 2021" presso Istituto Stefanini (VE)

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 10:00 to 12:00, at the Institute Stefanini (VE) was held the training meeting "Ambassador School Programme 2021" in collaboration with Ufficio del Parlamento europeo in ItaliaEurope Direct Venezia Veneto del Comune di Venezia.

Ambassador School Programme is a project promoted by the Office of the European Parliament in Italy and is aimed at secondary schools with the aim of making students more aware of the process of European parliamentary democracy, the work of Meps, and to make known to them the rights of European citizens.
The idea is to disseminate knowledge of the European Union to the whole school, but also to the families, the territory and the local authorities.
The program aims to raise awareness among students by promoting peer education, participation and active involvement of students and teachers in the implementation of the activities planned by the project.
The schools participating in the project are represented by a teacher as Senior Ambassador and by a maximum of 24 Junior Ambassadors selected from the students.

Participating schools are required to:
-Follow a training meeting by the European Parliament (minimum 1h30); organize seminars and/ or meetings on topics that are chosen from those proposed by the Office of the European Parliament.
-Setting up an Infopoint on the European Parliament in the school: through a process of peer-to-peer education, the student ambassadors disseminate to their classmates the information they have learned, including the distribution of materials provided by the EP. 
-To organize a Europe Day in May 2021, designed ad hoc by the ambassadors for their schools in the forms most appropriate and effective to involve other students.

During Europe Day in May, the official "European Parliament Embassy School" plaque and the nominative parchments for the Junior and Senior Ambassadors are presented.

More info on  Ambassador School Programme

More info on Ambassador School Programme a Venezia

Some photos of the event:

Europe Direct - Comune di Venezia
Tel. 041 2748082 - numero verde 800 496200
Email: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/04/2021 ore 09:37