Publication "EU Funding Guide 2021"
The publication "European Funding Guide 2021" is available online.
According to the budget of the European Commission for the period 2021/2027, Unioncamere del Veneto - Eurosportello in collaboration with the Europe Direct of the City of Venice, offers citizens and companies in the area the Guide to European funding 2021.
The European Financing Guide 2021 is divided into thematic sections such as: research, technological development and competitiveness, environment, agriculture, education and culture, justice, equality and social change, health, taxation and customs, infrastructure and transport, international cooperation, financial instruments for economic and social recovery, cohesion policy. Within these sections, the main relevant European programmes are listed, so as to make the search for funding as simple and immediate as possible
The Guide to European Financing is published by Unioncamere Veneto - Eurosportello with the collaboration of the delegation of Brussels and the Europe Direct branches of the City of Venice and the Province of Verona and offers a presentation on the programming 2021-2027.
With 2021, a new important phase for European programming opens up and, at the same time, efforts are being made to recover from the economic crisis generated by the global pandemic. Overall, at the summit in Brussels on 17-21 July, European leaders agreed on a total allocation of EUR 1824.3 billion: EUR 1074.3 billion for the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and EUR 750 billion for instruments specifically dedicated to recovery (Next Generation EU, NGEU). Businesses, local institutions and citizens must be prepared to take advantage of the funding opportunities that the European Union will make available through its programmes. The common objective of both is to help the Union recover from the pandemic and to jointly support investment in digital and ecological transitions for the coming years.
As long as supplies last, it is possible to pick up a printed copy of the guide at the headquarters of EUROPE DIRECT VENEZIA VENETO - Via Spalti 28 - 30173 Mestre Venezia (or given the pandemic situation you can request the postal shipment by writing to
on line pubblication
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
telefono 345 8358360 (nel periodo di smart-working)
Revision of contents: 24/05/2021