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21.09.2021 Roberto De Vogli, Andrea Poggio, Andrea Pozzer - "Ecological crisis, health crisis"

The meeting was held in the presence of the anti-covid standards at the
Ateneo Veneto, Campo San Fantin, Venice.
Free admission with Green pass until all seats are available.
- Roberto De Vogli, Professor of Global Health at the University of Padua
- Andrea Poggio, Head of Mobility at Legambiente
- Andrea Pozzer, atmospheric chemistry expert at Max Planck Institut for Chemistry, Mainz (Germany) connecting via Skype.
Two fundamental issues in recent years concern very closely the lives of all of us, both individually and globally: the pandemic #COVID19 and the escalation of the environmental crisis.
It is not a binomial created accidentally at this precise moment in history, but a unique world within which they develop close interconnections, often little evident for the way in which the media talk about it. In a context where the term "environmentalists" no longer has any reason to exist, we are all health and we are environment, before anything else.
Legambiente’s annual report on air quality puts Venice in second place, after Torino, in the ranking of Italian cities with the worst air and some data presented by Andrea Poggio serve to understand the gravity of this record, strongly connected with the mobility of Northern Italy.
A particular study by the working group directed by Andrea Pozzer at the Max Planck Institut shows a connection between the level of gravity of the effects of the #COVID19 and the particular concentration of certain pollutants in the air.
The perspective with which we look at the problems of the environment and their consequences on global health must be changed and expanded with analytical tools that have repeatedly been lacking in the approach to the pandemic. Paradoxically, we have bypassed the methodical application of the knowledge and tools of epidemiology, which are fundamental for prevention and control, the necessity of which we still deny today. And for the environment, we do not have a climate change adaptation plan that we absolutely need. Roberto De Vogli leads us to read these topics broadening our gaze towards global health for a more productive dialogue, with the intervention entitled: "Planetary health: the immune response to the pandemic and ecological crisis".
Some images from the event:

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, 30174 Venezia Mestre
Revision of contents: 23/09/2021
Ultimo aggiornamento: 23/09/2021 ore 11:46