29.09.2021-08.11.2021 - Cycle of meetings "CAFFE' EUROPA"



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Cycle of meetings "CAFFE' EUROPA", format of the European Parliament - Information Office in Milan - conversations with citizens.

The initiative is the result of collaboration between:
- European Parliament - Information Office in Milan,
- Comune di Venezia - Europe Direct,
- Council of Europe - Venice Office


=> Wednesday, September 29 at 16.30
"Multilingualism in Europe"

Caffè Lavena, Piazza San Marco, Venice

Free drink until capacity is reached

Live streaming on Facebook
Event included in the celebration of the European Day of Languages 2021

Tiziana Lippiello, Rector of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Carmela Palumbo, Director USR Ufficio Scolastico Regionale pe ril Veneto
Marisa Cavalli, European Centre for Modern Languages
Council Member for Heritage, Promotion of the Territory and University of the Municipality of Venice
Moderator Eugenia Sainz, Ca' Foscari University of Venice


Logo GEL
=> Monday, October 11 at 16.30
"Conference on the future of Europe"
Chiostro M9, Via Poerio 24, Mestre
Free drink until capacity is reached

Live streaming on Facebook

Michele Bugliesi, President of the Venice Foundation - M9
Representation of the European Commission in Italy
Fabrizio Marrella, Ca' Foscari University
Deputy Mayor of the City of Venice
Moderator: Giorgio Anselmi, President MFE European Federalist Movement
Foto papa
=> Wednesday, October 20 at 16.30
"Europe and women"
Caffè Quadri, Piazza San Marco, Venice
Free drink until capacity is reached

Live streaming on Facebook

Representation of the European Commission in Italy
Claudia Luciani, Director of Democratic Governance and Anti-discrimination - Council of Europe
President of the City Council of Venice
Patrizia Marcuzzo, City of Venice Antiviolence Centre
Moderator: Giovanni De Luca, Director of Rai Veneto

L'Europa sceglie le donne | La Tua Europa Vercelli
=> Monday, November 8 at 16.30
"Italian Semester of the Council of Europe"
Caffè Florian, Piazza San Marco, Venice
Free drink until capacity is reached
Live streaming on Facebook
Foto coe

The Europe Direct of the City of Venice is conducting an investigation to detect the degree of satisfaction of the event Europe Day 2021.


Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
phone number 0412748082
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Revision of contents: 24/09/2021

Ultimo aggiornamento: 24/09/2021 ore 12:09