23.11-2.12.2021 Fuori di Banco 2021 - Fair of the educational offer
From November 23 to December 2, 2021 "Fuori di Banco 2021" will be held, the training hall for students, families and teachers.
For its XII edition, il Salone dell'offerta formativa Fuoridibanco 2021 is still in digital mode!
Fuori di Banco is born from the need of the students/ secondary school to know the educational offer of the territory and the opportunities for personal growth. The Salone dell'offerta formativa is the result of the collaboration of the Metropolitan City of Venice, the Territorial School Office of Venice and the Europe Direct service of the City of Venice.
An open space for school communities and a meeting place for students, parents, teachers, institutions and operators where you can tell your experiences, discuss and activate new educational projects.
The proposals will be available on the website of Fuori di Banco and divided into:
=> cultural proposals for first grade secondary school students
Tuesday 23-Wednesday 24-Thursday 25 November 2021
=> cultural proposals for secondary school students
Tuesday 30 November-Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 December 2021
The deepening of self-knowledge, the educational and employment context of their territory can help to face the delicate moment of transition between a school order and the following one, learning to distinguish information based on reality data from elements not supported by objective data.

For further information:
Revision of contents: 27/10/2021