Exhibition: The Founding Mothers and Fathers of the European Union - 2022
The Europe Direct of the City of Venice, information point of the European Union active in the Veneto region, proposes the diactic exhibition "The Founding Mothers and Fathers of the European Union", based on official documentation of the European Commission.
- video-tutorial by the Istituto Einaudi Scarpa of Montebelluna;
virtual visit with aygmented reality by the Stefanini Highschool of Venice (in order to access the "augmented" contents, personal devices must be provided with the Zappar app which can be downloaded from App Store or Google Play);
in depth-videos produced by Europe Direct pf the City of Venice;
The main theme of the exhibition is to underline that these women and men were convinced that the peoples of Europe, while remaining proud of their identity and national history, were determined to overcome the ancient divisions and to build together their common destiny.
In addition to the pioneers presented below, many others have inspired the European project and have worked tirelessly to achieve it.
The exhibition has been produced and inaugurated on the occasion of the Europe Day on 9 May 2014 in Venice.
FELTRE, Liceo Statale Giorgio Dal Piaz, Einaudi Scarpa, Via Cristoforo Colombo 18 (BL) - 08.03-28.03.2022 more info
ROVIGO, Chamber of Commerce Venice-Rovigo, Piazza G. Garibaldi, 6 45100 Rovigo (RO) - 06.04-27.04.2022 more info
- VENEZIA, Provvederia di Mestre, Via Torre Belfredo 1 (VE) - 05.05-31.05.2022 more info
- GRANZE, Biblioteca Comunale di Granze, in via della Libertà 428, Granze (PD) more info
MONTAGNANA (PD), November 2022

For information:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
Revisione dei contenuti: 04/04/2022